Chapter 854 You are so useless
This kind of combat power is completely defeated.

She said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

This matter, from her time travel to the present, has run through her entire life in this world. After such a long time, it must always be resolved.

She has long been tired of blindly avoiding in fear.

It's resolved once and for all, so everyone can sleep soundly.

Whether it is life or death, she admits it.

Yu Jizi laughed and said: "Knowing current affairs is a good thing. Since you are so straightforward, I won't make things difficult for you. Let's go!"

He motioned for Gu Youyou to get on the horse.

Gu Youyou got on the horse and rode to his side.

Yu Jizi raised his steps gently, his movements were extremely mysterious, and he moved tens of meters away in a few steps.

Gu Youyou patted the horse and followed.

Xiao Jinyan clenched his hands tightly, with a look of resentment.

"Am I so useless? Watch him take Gu Youyou away?"

Circe sneered and said to Xiao Jinyan: "You are such a wimp."

After finishing speaking, she took out a palm-sized bamboo tube-shaped utensil and urged Gu Yunxi to take her on the horse.

Gu Yunxi didn't know what to say, but he didn't want Gu Youyou to be taken away by the enemy just like that.

He pulled Circe on the horse, and Circe said, "Catch up quickly."

Gu Yunxi said: "Doctor Gu is willing to go with him in order to protect us."

Circe said anxiously: "I forgot to give her something, hurry up and catch up."

Gu Yunxi didn't say anything more, and led her to catch up with Yun on horseback. When she was about to catch up with them, Circe suddenly put the bamboo tube on her lips, and she blew a white thing out of the bamboo tube, and shot it straight at them. Yujizi.

Yu Jizi frowned slightly, and dodged sideways.

Gu Youyou was shocked, and said loudly: "Cersi, go back quickly."

What's on her mind?Can a hidden weapon hurt Yu Jizi?
This is an open pervert.

But Circe didn't let it go, and ignored Gu Youyou, and soon she shot the second and third shots, but they were all dodged by Yu Jizi's weird body skills.

Xiao Jinyan watched from behind, surprised.

What did the poison doctor want to do? Could it be that she thought she could beat Yu Jizi?

Jin Zijin is not even his opponent.

By the way, I don't know what happened to Jin Zijin?He had to go back to find him. Yu Jizi came to snatch him in person, so he shouldn't blame himself for losing this person, right?

Just looking at the two people who were trying to die, he just turned his horse's head and couldn't help but come back.

After all, it was the person that my cousin told me to protect, Gu Youyou had no choice but to let these two people die here for no reason!
At this time, nine of the things in Circe's bamboo tube were shot out, and there were only ten in total, and this was the last one.

This one still missed and was caught by Yu Jizi.

Gu Youyou's heart skipped a beat, and she said to Circe, "What are you doing? Don't hurry up."

After finishing speaking, he said to Yu Jizi: "The little girl is ignorant, so please don't blame me, senior."

Yu Jizi opened her hand, looking at the silver needle lying in the palm of her hand, her eyes became darker and darker.

"Seeing the blood seal the throat, what is your relationship with the ghost doctor?"

Gu Youyou felt bad, and hurriedly stood in front of Yu Jizi, saying: "Senior, she is one of my disciples, she just knows a little about the art of Qihuang."

"Have a little understanding of the art of Qihuang?" Yu Jizi laughed, and said: "It turns out that there are still people alive. Well, that's great. If that's the case, you can follow along."

Circe was angrily, and was about to get the poison out of the bag, but she lightened up, was picked up by Yu Jizi, and threw it directly on Gu Youyou's horse, and the cloth bag in her hand fell to the ground.

It's over, her belongings...


(End of this chapter)

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