Chapter 855 Jin Zijin is injured
Jin Zijin's face was gloomy, and his right hand was bleeding profusely.

Several sailors supported him, lifted his sleeves and bandaged his wound.But they didn't want to, the sadness shocked them all.

This injury was not caused by a sharp blade, but... It was like the muscle on the arm swelled and exploded by itself, the wound was hideous and terrifying.

Who is that old man?Why are you so powerful?

"General, are you okay?" The sailors were a little dumbfounded seeing Jin Zijin's motionless appearance.

"Don't talk about it, send the general back first, and report this to General Che. We can't treat this wound, so we have to find a military doctor."

This night is destined to be restless.

Che Xiangyuan led a large number of soldiers to search around Fusang City, and sent his most powerful subordinate Xie Zhongsen to personally lead the troops to chase in the direction they said.

After Xiao Jinyan was ordered to suppress the bandits, he went back to Doctor Gu, the genius doctor, and searched all the way until he found Fusang City in the East China Sea. After finally finding someone, he was taken away by a strange old man halfway and injured another mysterious General Jin.

And that person, he guessed, was the second prince, His Highness King Qin, whom the emperor loved and protected very closely.

How did this happen?

"Search for me to see who has come to this Fusang city recently, and all foreigners will be severely tortured by me." General Che stomped his feet angrily.

He didn't know that that person was Yu Jizi, so he felt that no matter how powerful a person was, it would be impossible for him to kill all of his wharves silently, and even force Xiao Jinyan, who was good at skills, so that he didn't dare to say a word.

Of course, because there were rumors about the Xiao family in the capital that the military ranks of the sons of the Xiao family were all obtained by the dead princess, so he himself was very contemptuous of Xiao Jinyan's defeat without a fight.

It is really sad to think that when Grand Master Xiao was alive, the Xiao family was full of high spirits, but now they rely on the emperor's youthful friendship to maintain their superficial glory.

The injury on Jin Zijin's hand had been healed, so he immediately led the horse and prepared to go out.

Xiao Jinyan was terrified, stopped him quickly, and said: "You can't leave, the injury on your hand was caused by internal force, it is unusual, at least it will take half a month, you are riding a horse now, this hand is not going to be taken away Yet?"

"But Yoyo was captured by him." Jin Zijin said loudly: "He's the kind of person who is full of perverted things in his head. I don't know what he will do to her. I can't let myself recuperate here."

"Then you can't make fun of your own arm. How about this, you take the carriage, we go back together, and ask Tianjizi for help. That old pervert is no longer a human being. We mortals can't do anything in front of him. Didn't you see See, he walks faster than we ride horses. Only with my light work will I be able to catch up with the horses."

Xiao Jinyan's most powerful thing is lightness kung fu. It can be seen that Yu Jizi's weird body skills, for the first time, he began to dislike his own lightness kung fu. Compared with him, he is really nothing.

The old pervert naturally needs another old pervert to deal with it. He thought Jin Zijin could stop Yu Jizi for a long time, but he didn't expect to be brought down so soon.

Jin Zijin suddenly thought of something, turned his head again, and stared straight at Xiao Jinyan.

"What... what's the matter?" Xiao Jinyan felt a little scared when he stared at him like this.

Jin Zijin said: "Jin Ziyuan hasn't come back yet, he should come back with the fishermen tomorrow. I'll go back, you continue to stay here, make sure to catch him, and don't let him fall into Yujizi's hands."

(End of this chapter)

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