It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 858 The other medicine people are also gone

Chapter 858 The other medicine people are also gone

"Senior brother!" Yue Rujing said with a worried face, "Don't worry, I will save you."

Jin Zijin took a deep breath and said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Yue Rujing pondered for a moment, and said: "My father sent a message saying that all the medicine people were taken away overnight. It was Zhang Quansheng who did it. He cooperated with the people of Nanzhao. But he didn't take advantage of it. I Father wanted to kill him a long time ago, so he took this opportunity to charge him with treason, tied him up and escorted him to Beijing. He killed him on the way, and arranged for him to escape halfway and accidentally fell off a cliff to his death. Lingnan removed him It's easy to pull out the smaller one for this big cancerous tumor."

Zhang Quansheng is dead, but the medicine man also fell into Yu Jizi's hands. When he has gathered all the medicine men, it's time to do it. Save people."

Jin Zijin shook his head and said: "No, you are not in a hurry to rescue him now. You go to Donghai, get in touch with Xiao Jinyan, and take care of Jin Ziyuan together. It is best to hide him in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. No, no, the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice is not acceptable either. Go to Qishan and give it to Master."

I can only feel sorry for Master, at his age, he caused trouble for him.

If Jin Ziyuan's news was leaked out, those anti-king party members would definitely make a fuss no matter where Qishan was.

But Qishan is the only place that Yu Jizi fears, apart from Qishan, I really don't know where to hide Jin Ziyuan.

Yue Rujing was also aware of these things, he clenched his fists tightly and said, "Why don't we kill that kid Jin Ziyuan, and let that old thing fetch water from the bamboo basket in vain."

"No!" Jin Zijin resolutely refused, saying: "Once Jin Ziyuan dies, his dream will be shattered and he will jump over the wall in a panic. I don't know what he will do. But I'm sure you won't be able to live. When Yujizi was alive, Not only can we not kill Jin Ziyuan, but we also need to ensure his safety."

Yue Rujing felt very uncomfortable, but she also knew that what Jin Zijin said was very reasonable.

To them, Gu Youyou is no longer the dispensable medicine man she used to be. She saved her own life, so how could he not care about her life or death?

"Okay, I'll go now." Looking at Jin Zijin, he said worriedly again: "Brother, I think you're seriously injured, what's going on?"

Jin Zijin said: "It's nothing serious. I ran into Yujizi and tried a few tricks. At that time, I was seasick and sick, and I kept holding back." He slapped the table hard, regretting, and said: " I shouldn't hold back and spit out that old bastard."

The corner of Yue Rujing's mouth twitched, she turned around and left the sanitation tube.


Gu Youyou and the others walked for half a month before getting out of the carriage.

They were brought down and blindfolded.

I heard Gu Yunxi saying to Yu Jizi: "The carriage can't get in. They are afraid it will be difficult to go with their eyes blindfolded. Why don't they remove the cloth strips?"

Yujizi said: "It's okay, give each of them a crutch, and then tie it up with a rope."

So, Gu Yunxi was behind, Yu Jizi was in front, each holding a rope at one end, Gu Youyou and Circe walked in the middle, each holding a crutch in his hand, and followed them up the mountain with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

The two kept cursing and swearing, they didn't treat the captives like that.

It's fine to tie it with a rope, why do you need to cover your eyes?
And you are climbing the mountain with your eyes blindfolded, what if one accidentally falls into the ditch?
(End of this chapter)

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