It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 859 Identical Ancient Tombs

Chapter 859 The Exactly Same Ancient Tomb
But the old face that has been cultivated for more than 80 years is not comparable to the mouths of two young girls. If they are allowed to scold the sky, they seem not to hear.

Gu Yunxi couldn't listen anymore, and said to Yu Jizi in front of him: "Senior, please say something, these two ancestors..."

Before Yu Jizi could say anything, he was scolded back.

"Gu Yunxi, are you courting death? Believe it or not, my old lady poisoned you to make you dumb."

"Coachman, where are you from? If you don't point at you to help vent your anger, you can't help the old man!"

On the other side, Yu Jizi smiled and said: "I have lived for decades, and there are many people who scold me behind my back, maybe worse than them, but no one dares to scold me in front of me. Well, let me know what those people are yelling at me."

Gu Youyou: "..."

Circe: "..."

Gu Yunxi: "..." Sure enough, he is an immortal pervert, and someone else was scolded and laughed at?
After walking for an unknown amount of time, the person in front finally stopped.

Gu Youyou listened quietly, not knowing what that Yujizi was doing. Hearing the movement, it seemed to be the roaring sound of some large ancient machinery.

When the sounds stopped, they were pulled up by the rope again and entered a colder place.

Gu Youyou listened carefully with her ears and felt with her body.

Hearing the echo of the words and the musty smell, she guessed that it must have entered a passage, and it had not been opened for many years.

Don't know what the hell this is going to be.

After a long time, Yu Jizi finally stopped.

Gu Youyou felt that he had dropped the rope, and took a few steps forward. After a while, he heard the clicking sound when he turned something, and then, the heavy stone door was opened.

There were voices coming from inside, both men and women.

It is estimated that after seeing Yu Jizi, everyone became quiet, and a few men called Yu Jizi Master.

Yu Jizi made no reply after humming. Gu Youyou and the others were pushed in, and the heavy stone door closed automatically.

Only then were they allowed to remove the black cloth covering their faces.

I haven't seen the light for a long time, and my eyes are a little bit astringent.

Gu Youyou opened her eyes, but was stunned by what was in her eyes.

Leaving aside the people here, she is very familiar with this place.

Isn't that the ancient tomb in the mountain behind Lianhua Village?Even the coffin in the center of the ancient tomb is there.

No wonder she felt a little familiar just now.

But it's not right!
Gu Youyou understood very well that the ancient tomb had been destroyed a long time ago, and the hilltop had collapsed, so this place could not be that ancient tomb.

No, but it was built exactly the same as that ancient tomb. What is the situation?

There are five cowardly women and four men in black in the ancient tomb.

One of them was Zhuo Qing whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Over there, Gu Yunxi, a commoner, was already petrified, staring straight at the big coffin in the middle.

He gritted his teeth and said tremblingly, " this an ancient tomb?"

"Not bad!" Yujizi said lightly.

Circe lowered her voice next to Gu Youyou's ear and asked, "What does he want to bring us to the ancient tomb for?"

Gu Youyou's face turned pale, and she shook her head in a daze.

Over there, Yu Jizi was explaining to his disciples: "Zhuo Qing, look after them."

"Yes, Master."

Yu Jizi hummed, then gave Gu Youyou and the other three meaningful glances, then turned and walked towards the stone gate of the ancient tomb.

The stone gate is the same as the ancient tomb that Gu Youyou stayed in back then, it opened by pressing a leaf of the Immortal Immortal Tree.

(End of this chapter)

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