Chapter 860 I am the cook
Gu Youyou did the same back then, but she didn't open it. It was only after she deciphered the innate gossip that she opened it, but because of this, the tomb was destroyed.

But how could Yu Jizi and the wild man back then open normally?
There must be something else going on in this institution.

The stone gate fell down again, and everyone in the tomb began to look at the three newcomers.

Zhuo Qing and Gu Youyou are old acquaintances, he looked at Gu Youyou and grinned, and said, "Don't you run fast? Ha... Do you think that if you can run, you can run to the temple? Didn't you come obediently in the end?" gone."

Gu Youyou said fiercely: "Give me another chance, and I will definitely pierce your waist."

Zhuo Qing's face darkened suddenly, he snorted coldly, and looked at Circe and Gu Yunxi.

"Who are you two? Why did Master bring you here?"

Among the medicine men, except for Jin Ziyuan, what are these two people doing?

An arrogant person like Circe would naturally ignore her, and she went to visit the tomb on her own.

Gu Yunxi said with a doggy smile: "I am a coachman, the master hired me to drive the carriage. Brother, there is a carriage shop named Gu at the post station at the first station south of the capital, and that is my home. "

"Master still employs a carriage master?" Zhuo Qing had a strange expression on his face.

Gu Yunxi laughed and said: "Yes, yes, a person like the master can't let him drive the car by himself."

... It seems to be true.

But why didn't Master ask a disciple to do this kind of thing?
Zhuo Qing cast his gaze on Circe, who was looking around, and called her over.

"The one next to the coffin, come here for me."

Circe just turned and looked at him contemptuously, but did not come.

Zhuo Qing couldn't figure out who this person was, and he didn't do anything wrong, so he just asked, "Who are you?"

Circe sneered and said, "Your master asked me to prepare your daily meals. I am the cook!"

"..." Gu Youyou's whole body trembled.

"..." Gu Yunxi's legs went limp and he almost lost his footing.

Zhuo Qing raised his eyebrows, a little pleased, Master even brought them the cook, it was really thoughtful.During this period of time, they, a group of elders, were serving these medicine men. It was already enough to eat bran and swallow vegetables every day. Fortunately, the master brought the cook.

He said: "Since this is the case, you will be responsible for cooking the meals in the future. Yishan, take her out to cook for everyone!"


Jin Ziyuan did come back with the fishermen's boat, because there was no good weather at that time, and they waited on the island for another two days before returning.

Jin Ziyuan was a little seasick, and Xiao Jinyan was prepared to catch him when he got off the boat. At this moment, Jin Ziyuan was lying in the carriage after being drugged.

In order to avoid Yu Jizi, he was smart enough to send out news in five directions back and forth, saying that he had caught the remnants of the former anti-king and was planning to bring him back to the capital to return to his command.

He followed a team, and later Yue Rujing came and brought a team.

Xiao Jinyan's team had the most guards, and it was the closest official road to the capital.

A team led by Yue Rujing rushed to Qishan secretly.

There were three other teams going in different directions, and the real Jin Ziyuan was stunned and stuffed into the carriage, went around Dongzhou, and returned to Fusang City, where he was in General Che's barracks.

In order to prevent Jin Ziyuan from being robbed, Xiao Jinyan generously gave him the credit for catching the traitor, so that Che Xiangyuan could spare no effort to favor Jin Ziyuan.

This was their private decision, and they did not tell Jin Zijin. At this time, Jin Zijin was in Qishan.

(End of this chapter)

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