Chapter 861

Tianjizi was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, while Jin Zijin was sitting on a low stool beside him, talking in a low voice.

"Master, Zijin is grateful for your care in this life. Until now, I shouldn't have disturbed Master. I should have allowed Master to stay on Qishan Mountain to spend the rest of my life. However, Zijin is dull, not good at learning, and has been under the guidance of Master for many years. Elaborate training but still lost to Yu Jizi. This time he opened the altar to practice, if you don't stop him, it will be even more difficult to deal with him when he has a young body. Master's wish in this life is to let Daozong return to orthodoxy and stay away from Chaogang. Without Yujizi, then this wish is far away. Master, if Zijin dares to ask Master to come out of the mountain, will Zijin be unfilial?"

The last second, Tian Jizi was still sound asleep, but the second after Jin Zijin finished speaking, he suddenly sat up.

He sat on the bed, with a pair of old but still sharp eyes directed at Jin Zijin, and said: "You can fight with him for a long time, and force him to do it yourself, which is far beyond his disciple Huo Li. His opponent It has always been me, and I have always been unwilling to become a teacher after being defeated by him more than 50 years ago, haha..."

Tianjizi got out of bed energetically, put on a white gossip robe, opened a mechanism in the room, and took out a sword box that was covered in thick dust.

In the case of the migrant sword, there lay a long golden sword quietly inside.

With a smile on his face, Tianjizi took out the long sword and nodded lightly, saying: "Old man, I said before, when I unleash you again, it will be the time for you and me to get rid of our shame."

Jin Zijin looked at his master in surprise, this sword is the most precious treasure of Taoism, he has only heard of it, but never seen it, so it is like this.

I heard that Yu Jizi wanted to know this sword wholeheartedly, but this sword disappeared like the Youying Pearl, and it turned out that it had always been in the hands of the master.

At the same time, he was a little worried.It is good for Master to come out to help, but his intermittent mental disorder...

When he was worried, Tian Jizi smiled at him faintly.

"Worried about Daozong, worried about the court? I think you are worried about that female doctor! For the sake of the female doctor who wrote me stories for more than half a year, I should really save her and buy her stories." Hard work."

"Master?" Jin Zijin had mixed feelings in his heart, so he knew it all.

Tianjizi sighed: "I don't blame you. I knew you were a man in the world of mortals, and you couldn't stay in Taoism forever. Neither you nor Yue Rujing, but you don't have to worry about being a teacher or Taoist. Tianzong Without you, Qishan can still be defended."

"Then Master..."

"Do you think I'm really confused? I've been shrewd all my life. The most confused time was more than 50 years ago. I lost to Yu Jizi. It can be described as a complete defeat. This person, confused once is enough, how can he stay confused? ?
Let's go, find out where they are first, it's time to make a break with him. "


The military camp in Dongzhou exploded today. Their entire military camp was guarding a prisoner, but the prisoner disappeared?
And tens of thousands of people, none of them knew how it disappeared, he just disappeared out of thin air.

Che Xiangyuan felt that this was too serious, and before Xiao Jinyan and the others came back, he sent a secret report to the emperor.

The person who robbed Jin Ziyuan didn't know which way, but no matter which way, such a person is too scary.

And Jin Ziyuan, who was following Yu Jizi at this time, his eyes were blank, like a puppet, he only knew how to move mechanically.

(End of this chapter)

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