It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 863 What was promised back then

Chapter 863 What was promised back then
Replenishment of water, they began to continue on their way.

It's just that another carriage came to Xiaohe's side to add water, the curtain of the carriage was blown by the wind, and that inadvertent glance made Mrs. Ru unable to move her feet anymore.

"Yu Jiang..." Mrs. Ru covered her beating heart and shouted loudly to Yu Jiang outside the carriage: "Stop, stop quickly."

They replenished the water and it was just starting to turn on.

"What's the matter, ma'am?" Yu Jiang was puzzled by her sudden yelling, and hurriedly asked the carriage to be parked on the side of the road.

Mrs. Ru hurriedly lifted her skirt and got out of the carriage, and excitedly said to Yu Jiang, "I saw Ziyuan in the carriage behind."

how can that be……?
Yu Jiang looked at the carriage driving towards the river. The one-horse carriage looked very inconspicuous, like the kind hired by ordinary people.

"Madam, do you miss the little prince too much? I'm wrong. The little prince should have already been there at this time."

"That's right, I saw it, it's Ziyuan, he's in that carriage." Mrs. Ru said excitedly, she lifted her skirt and chased after that carriage.

The attendants all looked at Yu Jiang, Yu Jiang was silent for a moment, calling for everyone to go together.

The people in the carriage got off, and a Taoist boy went to fetch water from the river with a water jug, while another white-haired old man stood beside the carriage, watching the people coming.

"Ru Ma'am." Yu Jizi smiled, as if greeting her in a normal way.

" it really you?" Mrs. Ru stopped, panting lightly.

If it is him, then the people in the car...

"Ziyuan is in the car?" Mrs. Ru suppressed her beating heart.

"That's right." Yu Jizi didn't intend to hide it from her, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to see Mrs. Ru here after more than ten years."

Mrs. Ru sighed: "I haven't seen you for more than ten years, and the national teacher is still the same." He was full of energy.

"Yeah, I'm old. When I get old to the limit, there will be no change." Yujizi said with a smile.

Mrs. Ru tightly clenched her hands into fists, stared at the unremarkable carriage, and said, "I want to see him."

With a smile on her face, Yu Jizi turned her body sideways and made a gesture of invitation: "Please come!"

Mrs. Ru was a little surprised that Yu Jizi agreed so readily to see Jin Ziyuan by herself.

She felt that something was wrong, but she was so eager to think about her son that she couldn't care less, and walked towards the carriage with anxiety.

Yu Jiang followed from behind, glanced worriedly at Mrs. Ru who was walking towards the carriage, then turned her gaze back to Yu Jizi, and bowed to each other.

"National teacher, are you safe?"

Yu Jizi still had a warm smile on his face, and said, "Yu Jiang, I haven't seen you for many years, yet you still miss me."

Yu Jiang said indifferently: "I hope the national teacher will never forget what the national teacher promised back then. Otherwise, even if we die, we will definitely not make the national teacher feel better."

Yujizi laughed loudly and said: "It's natural, the old man always keeps his word."

Madam Ru lifted the curtain of the carriage, and Jin Ziyuan in the carriage was expressionless. When he saw someone getting on the carriage, he seemed not to see him, his eyes were stupid and clear. Madam Ru collapsed instantly when he saw Jin Ziyuan like this Yes, cry out loudly.

"How did this happen? How did you become like this? Ziyuan, tell me something, I'm a mother..."

Yu Jiang, who was talking to Yu Jizi below, suddenly changed his face when he heard it. He took a deep look at the national teacher, and strode towards the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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