It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 864 The transaction with Yujizi

Chapter 864 The transaction with Yujizi

The Taoist boy who fetched water from the river came back, seeing this scene, he hurriedly explained: "Don't worry, it's just drugged. This elder brother made a fuss along the way, and Master had no choice but to drug him and take him on the road. "

Madam Ru was so excited, how could she stay calm when she saw such a son?

What is the reason for her forbearance all these years?If her son could only become like this in the end, how would she survive?
"No, I regret it!" Mrs. Ru ran to Yu Jizi and kept crying: "You let us go, we regret it. You let my son go. From now on, we will live or die. Don't care about it."

Yu Jiang stared blankly at Mrs. Ru and Yu Jizi, his mind went blank and he didn't know what was wrong.

"Mrs. Ru, what stupid things are you talking about?" Yu Jizi said lightly: "You are the orthodox royal family, and the third prince who succeeded the first emperor is not very clear about this? If you regret it now, then Those people who died for you all those years ago died in vain, you will become a sinner through the ages."

"No..." Mrs. Ru shook her head with tears all over her face, "It's been so many years, I don't want to think about those things long ago. Who cares who is the emperor, what does that have to do with me? I just want Jin Yi to live well, Even if it's okay to hide for the rest of your life..."

"Ma'am!" Yu Jizi's face darkened, showing a rare impatient look, and said: "I said, I will keep him, he will not die. Not only will he not die, but he will overthrow him in the future." Jin Moning, become the emperor to avenge my father. It will be successful soon, as long as he helps me complete that matter, soon what you wish, your long-cherished wish that you have been looking forward to for many years will be fulfilled. "

"But he doesn't want to, and we've been forcing him to do what he doesn't want to do."

"He just didn't figure it out, and he will thank me when he figured it out. My child, I always think about things that are not so long-term." Yu Jizi said with a light smile.

"Mrs. Ru, you have no turning back." Yu Jizi said lightly: "The first thing you need to do is to stay in the palace of Xining honestly and wait. One day the truth of what happened back then will be revealed. At that time, you can return to the palace in a fair manner."

Yu Jiang stood beside the carriage, feeling unspeakably strange in his heart.

Why did he do this?
Back then, they underestimated the emperor's strength and knew that they would fail, so they originally planned to do nothing.

But then Yu Jizi appeared, and he told them that if they tried to die, they would die, and it didn't make any sense.

It's better to put it to death and survive, to preserve the strength and wait for the opportunity.

He also said that he had calculated that Jin Mo Ning still had more than ten years of Emperor Star, and now the rebellion could do nothing to him, it would only increase the casualties.

The information they got at that time was indeed so, they couldn't do anything to him at all, Jin Mo Ning was just waiting for them to rebel, just in time to find a reason to take them down in one fell swoop.

So they listened to Yu Jizi's opinion, and the two kings gave up one king and kept the other king.

At the beginning, the third prince and the fifth prince were all vying to let him go, and in the end they used the method of drawing lots.

The third prince drew a lottery to die, and Yu Jizi came up with another idea to ensure that the princess was alive, and the little prince was also alive, but the price...

His thoughts were interrupted here, Yu Jizi had left the crying Mrs. Ru and walked to the carriage.

"Yu Jiang, you are a smart person. You should know that only by listening to me can you have hope. If Madam is emotional, go and persuade her."

(End of this chapter)

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