Chapter 869 This is the cook

Zhuo Qing snorted, and sneered contemptuously: "You want to commit suicide? Oh, yes, what you said before, you would rather die than go with us. That night, you took the initiative to hit me with a knife. You are here to save Jin Zijin, but he doesn't care about your life at all. Haha, look at how stupid you are, to save a person who uses you with your own life. "

"I'm willing." Gu Youyou said angrily, "At least he won't give me those poisons."

That's right, after she was imprisoned, she began to drink the poison again.

It's only been a few days, she bears it.

It's just that the bastard Zhuo Qing is really pitiful.He didn't even know he was an abandoned pawn, and he was even complacent. He was even more pitiful than them.

After a while, the stone door was opened, Circe and Gu Yunxi nodded and came in with food boxes.

When Circe first came here, she was still very aggressive, and she secretly poisoned and added ingredients during the cooking process, but now she has been beaten.

When she walked, her feet were still a little limp.

Dare to put poison in the food, if it wasn't because she was brought back by Yujizi, and Yujizi didn't say how to deal with her, they might have killed her.

Gu Youyou has persuaded her that to be a person, you must know how to bend and stretch, to be a grandson when you should be a grandson, and to come back when you have the opportunity to avenge your revenge. There is no shame in it.

It is the courage of a man to be brave when one has no strength to resist, and it is oneself who suffers.

Now it's all right, I'm lame, and it's hard to run away when I have the chance.

In this world, Gu Youyou is the only one who can convince Circe a little bit, so she still listens to her words.

I think what she said makes sense. If you want to leave alive, you should ensure your own safety and save your strength to deal with these grandchildren, right?

So she has been very honest these two days.

Not to mention Gu Yunxi, he is a timid little commoner, and he can't afford to confront these uncles.

However, they were all convinced on the surface, but they were not idle.

Circe put the food on the coffin lid, and secretly winked at Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou was slightly taken aback, it seemed that Circe's side was done.

"Gentlemen, it's time to eat." Gu Yunxi yelled at the men in black with a smile, "Today's boar is delicious, and it's cooked by my little hands. I'm sure the chef of Wanjialou will be better than you." not on."

The people in black didn't appreciate Gu Yunxi's affection, they just gave him a cold look and motioned him to stand aside.

Of these two people, one said he was a coachman and the other said he was a cook.

I don’t know if the man who said he was a coachman knew how to drive, but the cook, if he fed the cooked food to the dog, the dog would not even eat it.

She can't cook at all.

If it weren't for the fact that the food she cooked was so hard to swallow, they might have been poisoned to death by her.

What's rare is that the food cooked by the coachman is not bad.

Zhuo Qing sat down first, picked out some of each dish, put them on a plate, and motioned for Circe to come and eat.

After the poisoning incident, they began to guard against these two people.It wasn't enough for one person to watch them while they were cooking. The cooked food had to be tasted by Circe first, and they didn't move their chopsticks until she ate it.

Circe ate those meals, smiled and said with an empty plate: "Look, it's good and not poisonous."

Only then did Zhuo Qing and the others feel relieved.

Gu Youyou was squatting by the wall, and Circe was also squatting by the wall, beside Gu Youyou.

(End of this chapter)

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