It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 870 Cooking in the Ancient Tomb

Chapter 870 Cooking in the Ancient Tomb
Gu Youyou gestured an OK gesture to her, and she nodded slightly.

Only when Zhuo Qing and the others had eaten and drank enough, the drug workers and coolies would have a chance to fill their stomachs.

Zhuo Qing looked at the crowd and decided to take a nap in the ear room.

It's really boring to guard these people. They are ordinary people, but Master sent him to watch them. It's really overkill.

There are four ear chambers in the tomb, which happened to be the sleeping rooms for the four men in black.

They have always been two people in charge of guarding, and two people in charge of resting and sleeping.

Taking advantage of this time, Gu Yunxi hurriedly finished the rice in her bowl, and chased after Zhuo Qing.

"Daoist, please stay."

Zhuo Qing stopped and turned to look at Gu Yunxi.

As far as the few people here, this seemingly honest man is the most honest, he cooks delicious food and doesn't cause trouble.

"What's the matter?"

Gu Yunxi said: "That's right. The mountain wind is really strong today. It's not easy to light the fire when we cook outside. If you dare to ask the boss, can you let us move the stove in and cook inside?"

"You guys want to cook here?" Zhuo Qing raised his eyebrows, the fire would be burning, and the smoke would be so choking?
Gu Yunxi hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Taoist priest, we have recently made an earthen stove with mud, and we can cook with charcoal without burning fire. It will definitely not have too pungent smell."

"Won't there be a smell of smoke?" Zhuo Qing asked.

Gu Yunxi immediately assured: "Don't worry, there will be absolutely no smell of smoke."

Zhuo Qing yawned, and said, "If that's the case, let's bring your earthen stove in."

"Hey! Thank you, Daoist, for your compassion!"

In the afternoon, Circe and Gu Yunxi came in carrying a half-person-high clay stove. Circe was a girl's house. When she put this thing down, she sat down on the ground with exhaustion, panting heavily.

"I'm exhausted, Gu Yunxi, you move alone when you go out."

Gu Youyou gave her a sip and asked her to rest for a while.

They took out the charcoal fire they had prepared earlier, lit it, and put it into the earthen stove.Soon the charcoal ignited and glowed red.

He put the iron pot on it again and started to cook and stir-fry.

Zhuo Qing came out of the ear room, and found that the clay stove Gu Yunxi made really had no smoke from the fire, but some smell, which was the smell of food, and it was not unpleasant.

And with this charcoal fire, the whole cold tomb seems to be a bit warmer.

He thought it would be good to let them cook in this ancient tomb and monitor them personally.

The food was ready, and it smelled delicious, and the charcoal fire in the clay stove was not extinguished.

After the meal was set, Gu Yunxi suggested again: "Master Dao, there is still a lot of fire left in this earthen stove, it would be a pity to extinguish it, why don't you let the little one carry this earthen stove into your room, and let your Is the room warm too?"

"It's rare that you have the heart, go!"

It's summer now, but it's really cold in this ancient tomb, especially sleeping on the icy stone slab at night.

Gu Yunxi winked at Circe, but Circe cursed and went to help move it.

Medicine people are afraid of the cold, especially in this kind of gloomy place.

Gu Youyou huddled together with several medicine men and Circe, sleeping in a daze.

There is a man in black who is in charge of the night watch and sleeps at the stone gate.

It was the first time Gu Yunxi did such a thing. He was timid and dared not sleep all night with his eyes closed.

It is difficult to distinguish between day and night in the ancient tomb, but those men in black wear an hourglass similar to an alarm clock, and as soon as dawn comes, the men in black who watch the night will wake them up.

(End of this chapter)

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