Chapter 871 Kill Zhuo Qing
Circe was kicked by the man in black, she opened her eyes in a daze, and stared at the man in black with wide eyes.

Because of the faint scar on her face, it looked really unpleasant.

The man in black glanced at her with disgust, and said coldly, "Go, go cook outside."

Gu Yunxi hurried over and said, "Master Dao, our clay stove is in Dao Zhuo's house, do you think we... cook later?"

Zhuo Qing was the leader among them, he didn't dare to call the door early in the morning.

But it’s okay not to cook. After a while, everyone will have to eat when they get up. He is still waiting for breakfast to change shifts. He has been guarding the tomb gate all night, and he wants to go back to rest.

The man in black looked down at Circe, and said viciously to her: "Get up for me, and call Brother Zhuo."

Oh, he didn't dare to let her go?

Circe pouted, got up and went to the ear room to knock on the stone door.

"Master Dao, are you awake? Let's cook with an earthen stove."

There was no movement in the ear room, and Circe knocked on the stone door again, "Master Daoist, Zhuo Qing, I'm coming in."

Still no one responded.

She turned her head to the man in black and said, "Maybe she's fast asleep. There's no one in this tomb. I'll just open the door and get it."

The man in black felt a little strange, Senior Brother Zhuo would not have slept so deeply.

He nodded and said, "Let's go."

It happened that he also looked at it.

The stone door was opened, and on the stone slab, Zhuo Qing lay quietly, as if he had fallen asleep.

But Circe knew he was dead.

After she turned around, she said to Gu Yunxi: "What are you still standing there for? Come and lift the earthen stove. The Taoist priest is sleeping!"

Gu Yunxi hurried forward, but her legs were obviously shaking.

He heard that Zhuo Qing would die if the earthen stove was placed in the ear chamber where he was resting. At first he didn't believe it, but now he had to believe it.

If he hadn't died, how could he not move at all.

The two carried the earthen stove out, but Zhuo Qing still didn't wake up, and the man in black finally noticed something was wrong.

No matter how sleepy he was, Zhuo Qing couldn't fall asleep after such a big commotion.

He strode into the ear room where Zhuo Qing was resting, seeing Zhuo Qing who was sleeping straight, his expression changed instantly.

He squatted down, pushed Zhuo Qing vigorously, and said loudly: "Senior brother Zhuo, wake up quickly."

Zhuo Qing didn't respond, he carefully put his hand on his nose, there was no breath of life, he was dead.

The news scared the man in black to the ground in an instant.

Zhuo Qing died?

How could Zhuo Qing die inexplicably?
His status in Xuanzong's junior generation was ranked in the top ten, and the senior brother Huo Li valued him very much, so the younger disciples always fawned on him to some extent.

But now he died here for no apparent reason.

He couldn't believe it, so he reached out to touch his neck veins again.

The neck veins don't move, is he really... dead?
The man in black widened his eyes, staring straight at the dead Zhuo Qing.

He really couldn't understand why a good person died.

Thinking about it made him dizzy, chest tight, nauseous, and even had difficulty breathing.

With a bang, the stone door of the ear room was closed.

The man in black felt that something was wrong with him, as if he had been poisoned.

But that woman has been closely watched by them these days, and she was never allowed to dig wild vegetables in the mountains. They kept a close eye on what she ate, so she had no chance to poison them.

Could it be... the earthen stove?
(End of this chapter)

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