Chapter 872
The soil stove was kept in Senior Brother Zhuo's room for one night, and then he died, and it was only after he entered this ear chamber that he began to have symptoms of discomfort.

Regardless, we must leave here as soon as possible.

He pressed the mechanism to open the door, but found that the mechanism failed and the door could not be opened at all.

Gu Youyou picked up a stone and completely destroyed the mechanism, so don't even think about it if you suffocate to death.

The others looked at Gu Youyou nervously and in fear, killing Zhuo Qing, it's okay if they succeeded, but if they failed, they must be dead.

At this time, the black clothes in the other two ear rooms heard the movement and came out. Seeing that Gu Youyou was knocking on the door with a stone, he hurriedly stepped over and said, "What are you doing?"

Gu Youyou looked terrified, and said, "The two priests are locked inside, and the door cannot be opened."

The two of them inspected the stone door, and saw that the mechanism had been destroyed by her, so naturally they couldn't open it.

In a fit of rage, he said, "You..." courted death.

But as soon as he uttered the word 'you', the following words were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say it again.

Circe held a silver needle in one hand and inserted it into the back of their necks accurately.

This is Gu Youyou's silver needle for self-defense. The anesthetic on it enters the acupuncture points of the human body and can instantly knock people down.

Apart from her, only Circe can accurately locate every acupoint on the human body, and this guy's psychological quality will definitely not miss.

The four men were wiped out, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Gu Yunxi, if he hadn't been unable to do this, he would have been honest and honest, so that Zhuo Qing could not be prepared.

They limp on the ground and said, "What shall we do now?"

Gu Youyou said: "The two people inside are dead, they just passed out, find a rope to tie them up."

Circe, however, pulled out the sword from one of the men in black, and said, "It's such a hassle, you can kill it once and for all."

Before she finished speaking, she had already raised the knife and cut a man's neck.

The blood came out in an instant, which was very frightening.

The girls screamed in fright at her actions, and Gu Youyou was also shocked.

At this moment, another person's neck was pierced by her sword, bleeding profusely.

It took a long time for Gu Youyou to regain his strength, and said, "Since it's killed... let's kill it. Let's go, get out of here."

Several people left the ancient tomb smoothly, walked through the tomb passage all the way, and finally saw the sun.

The morning sun was very clean, and it wiped away the musty smell that had lingered in the ancient tomb on everyone's bodies for many days.

Looking at the rising sun in the deep mountains, everyone sighed.

Originally, I would never see the sun in this life, it is so nice to have the sun.

"Let's go!"

Gu Youyou supported Circe, who was a little lame.

Circe said to Gu Yunxi who was still in a daze: "Idiot, hurry up and lead the way. We were all brought here blindfolded, and you know how to get back."

"Ah? I... I was so scared to death, I didn't remember." There were mountains everywhere, and he was not a dog. How could he remember?

"Are you so stupid?" Circe said angrily.

Gu Youyou said softly: "Don't blame him, the mountain road here is complicated, it's normal that he can't remember. Besides, we can't go back the same way, what if we meet that old pervert and come back?"

Hearing what Gu Youyou said, Circe didn't continue to complain about Gu Yunxi.

"Then how do we go?"

Gu Youyou looked around at the mountain, if it wasn't for running for her life, to be honest, this place is really a good place.

(End of this chapter)

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