Chapter 873 Escape
The air is fresh and pleasant, that mountain... wait, why do the mountains here look familiar?
Gu Youyou has always had a good memory. Isn't the valley that collapsed in front of him the ancient tomb where Jin Ziyuan lived?

It turns out that there are more than one ancient tomb here, and there is another one facing it far away.

No wonder they are so similar. It is deliberate to make the two ancient tombs look the same.

Since this ancient tomb is here, then... if you go all the way to the south, the end of the stretch of mountains is Lianhua Village?

Lotus Village?
When Gu Youyou thought of Lianhua Village, she felt happy.

I haven't been back to Lianhua Village for a long time, since I have this opportunity... no.

Thinking of this, Gu Youyou immediately denied it.

Now I can't go back to Lianhua Village. The old pervert knows that she was born in Lianhua Village, and she took the medicine people to Lianhua Village. Wouldn't that cause trouble for the villagers?
You should run in the opposite direction.

They came from the east, running north.

Seeing Gu Youyou's changing expression, Circe couldn't help asking: "Where are we going?"

Gu Youyou pointed in one direction and said, "To the north, this way."


Yu Jizi took Jin Ziyuan up the mountain and into the tomb.

He opened the mechanism of the tomb. There were no living people in the tomb. Two of his disciples were lying next to the door of one of the tombs. Blood flowed all over the floor, turning dark red from thirst.

It seems that they have been dead for many days.

The disciples beside him were startled, and hurriedly knelt down to look at the two fellow disciples.

After a while, he stood up and said to Yu Jizi: "Master, the two senior brothers died from a sword piercing their throats. The sword was clean and accurate. It seems that they were killed by sword masters."

Yu Jizi's benevolent eyebrows, which had remained unchanged for many years, completely turned ferocious, scaring his disciple back a few steps.

"Master!" the little disciple shouted softly.

Master's angry appearance is so terrible, that's right, the brothers died in a miserable state, so of course the master is angry.

Yu Jizi's expression gradually calmed down, looked at the two corpses that had been dead for a long time, and said: "Of course it is accurate to pierce the throat directly if someone is stunned. Useless things actually died under my own sword."

The little disciple opened his mouth, but didn't dare to speak anymore, but bowed his head and stepped aside.

Behind Yu Jizi, Jin Ziyuan stood behind him like a log, his eyes were loose and expressionless.

Yu Jizi looked at the Shimen, his eyes darkened.A moment later, he raised his palm and slammed at the stone gate, which shattered into a pile of rubble.

The little disciple fanned the ashes with his hands, and followed Yu Jizi into the ear chamber.

There were two other people in the ear room, one was sleeping peacefully on the bed, and the other was lying face to face the door, his eyes were wide open, his expression was ferocious, it seemed that he had experienced great pain before his death.

"Master, it's Brother Zhuo."

The little disciple turned pale with shock.

Brother Zhuo also died, and judging from his appearance, he died in his sleep.

"How could this be? Master, who killed them?"

Yu Jizi ignored him, but turned around and left the tomb.

It seems that he was wrong, Gu Youyou is not an ordinary woman, she missed her when she was a child.If he had known that she was so worried, he should have dealt with her the way he fed Jin Ziyuan back then.There is another woman who is a master ghost doctor, such a dangerous person should not be left behind.

But it doesn't matter, no one can escape.

No matter how they ran, he would let them come back obediently.

That woman was a little strange, I wanted to save her life, but it seems that staying is also a disaster.


(End of this chapter)

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