It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 877 All Chapters Are Coming

Chapter 877

No matter how embarrassed she is, she doesn't want to be seen by them.

It turned out that those Gu worms, or the viruses in their bodies, were what manipulated them.So, in fact, no matter where they fled, they couldn't escape in the end.


Yu Jizi was dressed in a black robe and held a mahogany sword. In the depths of the long mountain, there were figures dancing.

The little disciple who was driving the carriage had just come out of the ancient tomb, he had just given medicine to the person in the coffin of the ancient tomb, and now he has fallen asleep.

Master is still standing here, he has been standing for two days and one night.

He couldn't help but said: "Master, it's windy on the mountain, why don't you go in and rest first, and my disciples will help you guard it."

Yu Jizi glanced at his little disciple, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

There are so many disciples in Taoist sect, but he doesn't know the name of every disciple. This disciple is the one he picked up before going out.

When the little disciple heard the master asked his name, he was ecstatic, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Back to Master, the name of my disciple is Zhiqiu. When my mother gave birth to me, a golden ginkgo leaf floated in from the window, and it happened to fall. to her stomach, so my father named me Zhiqiu"

"Zhiqiu?" Yujizi nodded slightly, cut off a leaf on a tree with a sword, held it in his hand for a moment, put it in Zhiqiu's hand, and said lightly: "One leaf knows autumn, It's a good name."

Zhiqiu didn't understand why Master gave him a leaf, but it was given by Master, so he held it in his hand very preciously and cared for it carefully.

After a while, Yu Jizi pointed to the way down the mountain and said to him: "Go down the mountain from here, and after you leave, never come back."

Zhiqiu was holding the leaves in his hands and was very happy. Hearing this, he quickly raised his head and asked in surprise: "Master, all the senior brothers have been killed, how can I leave? I have to serve the master, and I have to... …to make medicine for the person inside.”

Yujizi looked at Xiaoqiu with a smile, and said, "No, he won't need to drink medicine tomorrow, so go back and listen to Master."

Master's kind smile made him unable to bear to refuse. With a warm sun in his heart, he knelt down and kowtowed to Yu Jizi, saying: "Disciple listen to Master, Master, disciple will leave."

After Zhiqiu went down the mountain, the first medicine man came to Yu Jizi, staring intently at the wriggling cinnabar in the plate on the desk.

In this dish, of course it is not cinnabar, it just looks similar.

They are the eggs of Gu insects. Once they burn, the mother body thousands of miles away will sense it, crazily emit the cold air in their bodies, and then control the host to come to the side of the eggs.

Soon, two, three, four... the medicine men came.

Gu Youyou was the last one.

Yu Jizi looked at these ragged women indifferently, and finally fell on Gu Youyou.

It took her so long?

The Gu worms in her body were killed by her, if it wasn't for the Youying Pearl's control, she might really be liberated by this woman.

It seems that it was right to choose to put the Youying Pearl in her body back then.

Several women followed Yu Jizi expressionlessly and entered the ancient tomb together.

Gu Youyou's heart was blank, looking at the ancient tomb in front of her, she felt both familiar and strange.The heart has been cruising in a cold world, something wants to come out of the heart, but there seems to be no breakthrough.

The coffin in the tomb was opened, and the person lying inside opened his eyes and stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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