It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 878 The blood sacrifice begins

Chapter 878 The blood sacrifice begins

Yu Jizi glanced at him, did not speak, but took out all the utensils that had been prepared in advance, placed them, and began to draw something on the ground.

The cinnabar in the drawing is obviously the Gu insect eggs drawn on the drawing.

Jin Ziyuan's eyes were blank, but his gaze stayed on one of the women.

Gu Youyou couldn't see him, her eyes moved slowly along the drawings around the coffin, but for some reason a tear came out of the corner of her eye.

When he saw that tear, a dusty place in his heart twitched violently, as if being touched by a sharp silver needle, it hurt and sore.

who am I?
Who is she?
Why are we here.

The familiar scene, after a long time, some dusty memories seem to be awakened.

At that time, he seemed to be standing in the coffin like this. He could only show the upper half of his body in a tall coffin.

She stood outside the coffin, looking at him, surprised and sad.

Then, she was seen showing pity for a strange outsider.

She said a lot to him, and he couldn't hear or understand anything at that time.He didn't remember, but at this moment, he suddenly remembered.

At that time, she cautiously approached the coffin, and it took her a while to summon up the courage to speak to him.

She asked him if he could understand, but he couldn't understand at that time, and she asked what his name was, but he couldn't answer her.She had guessed that he was a fool, or dumb.

They were once locked in this coffin together, she cursed all night, tricked him into playing games, and was not allowed to approach her...

Huge pain, that head seemed to explode.

Jin Ziyuan was sweating profusely, almost screaming.

Calling out that name seems to be able to get relief.

In the ancient tomb, Yu Jizi, who was buried in writing something, finally realized something was wrong. He raised his head, looked at Jin Ziyuan who was struggling, and frowned slightly imperceptibly.

He got up and took out a small bottle, poured out a thumb-sized pill and stuffed it into Jin Ziyuan's mouth.

Jin Ziyuan calmed down slowly, and soon his eyes regained their dull look.

Yu Jizi turned her head inadvertently, and the six medicine men standing opposite now, Gu Youyou was crying.

He sighed and said, "You are the one who worries the most."

After finishing speaking, he shook his head and sighed again, letting Jin Ziyuan wade into the coffin before going back to continue drawing an ancient formation.


Jin Zijin has already entered the mountain, but the mountain is so big, it is not so easy to find the top of the mountain with the ancient tomb.

He first took the Tianjizi to the mountain that was destroyed before, and then took out a bamboo tube.

Tian Jizi looked sideways, his eyes flickered slightly, and said: "It seems that you already know how to find them."

While opening the bamboo tube, Jin Zijin said, "Jinyan gave me that cloth bag that day. I didn't pay much attention to it at first. It's just that when I recalled that Circe was able to find Yoyo before me, I thought she must be different." The usual way. Then I found this bee."

"Something from the ghost doctor's house?" Tian Jizi glanced at it and said.

Jin Zijin nodded and let the bee out.

The bee circled in front of them a few times, quickly chose a direction and flew in one direction.

It's just that it didn't fly the mountain road, but flew directly from this mountain to the opposite mountain.

In the clouds and mist, the two mountains should have been exposed above the clouds and mist, but because the mountains here have collapsed, it looks unnatural.

(End of this chapter)

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