Chapter 880 Young Body

This is his long-cherished wish in his life, as long as today is over, he will definitely be able to achieve it.

"Great." He said excitedly.

Yu Jizi came down from the coffin and looked at the women. He cut their wrists and watched the cold blood flow out.

As for the formation around the coffin, the eggs of those Gu worms continuously hatched from the eggs after encountering the women's blood, sucking their blood clean.

Yu Jizi's eyes are full of madness, yes, that's it.

He shouted excitedly: "Yes, suck, suck up that blood, you can grow up, haha..."

The worms scrambled to crawl towards the meandering blood, and the worms that had sucked enough blood grew rapidly, several times larger than those just hatched, as big as the nail cap of a big finger.

After eating and drinking enough, they began to crawl towards the coffin, which was mixed with Yujizi's crazy laughter, and the scene was very terrifying.

Probably due to the massive loss of blood, the cold poison also flowed out, Gu Youyou finally regained her senses.

She turned her head with difficulty, but saw the terrifying scene that she would never forget.

At this moment, she wished she could faint again immediately.

So this is a blood sacrifice?
What is the offering?These bugs, who didn't know what they were, were so disgusting that she wanted to vomit.

The women woke up one by one, and when they saw the horrible scene in front of them, they screamed in fright.

All kinds of voices echoed in the silent tomb, appearing extremely terrifying.

Jin Zijin outside the tomb gate held his hand tightly, the veins on his forehead popping out.

Tianjizi pressed him down and said, "Don't be nervous, keep calm."

"What is he doing?" Jin Zijin clenched his teeth, and the words came out from between his teeth.

"The blood sacrifice has already begun." Tian Jizi said lightly.

"Master?" Jin Zijin punched the ground in pain, he couldn't imagine what kind of scene it was inside, he could only vaguely hear the terrified screams of the women in the tomb.

Tian Jizi glanced at the closed door of the tomb, and sighed in a low voice: "This door can't be opened even by a teacher, so if you act rashly, you can only scare the snake, wait."

Jin Zijin closed his eyes in pain, there was really nothing he could do except wait.

If he still can't save her in the end, how can he forgive himself?

In the tomb, Yu Jizi, who stood indifferently by the side, opened his eyes, looked at Gu Youyou, and said, "Are you awake? Just in time, something should be taken out."

Gu Youyou's limbs were so weak that she was lifted from the ground by Yu Jizi.

"You will be punished, you pervert." Gu Youyou said fiercely.

"I won't grow old soon, haha..." Yu Jizi looked very happy, pointing to the coffin, he said, "Look, I will grow up like that soon, how about it, isn't it very young?"

Yu Jizi showed off in front of Gu Youyou with a proud face.

Gu Youyou was so disgusted that she almost spat on his face, she scolded: "Why don't you find a baby to do it, wouldn't it be younger? Maybe you can go back to your mother's womb to drink milk."

Yu Jizi's complexion changed, and he snorted ferociously: "I'll see if you can still sharpen your teeth and speak sharply."

After that, he took out a bottle, uncorked the bottle, and a blue translucent worm as thick as a thumb crawled out.

Gu Youyou stared at the bug with wide eyes, this should be the one Jin Zijin said, it's disgusting.

Yu Jizi smiled in a low voice, and said: "This is Xuanzong's treasure, and you are the first person to use it. If it wasn't for you, I would not be willing to use it, and I would kill you directly body of."

(End of this chapter)

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