Chapter 881 Where are the beads?
Then, he squeezed Gu Youyou's chin, forcing her to open her mouth.

Gu Youyou has already guessed what this bug is, this is the bug that Jin Zijin said before that can only take You Yingzhu out of her body.

But Youyingzhu is no longer in her body, Yujizi doesn't know.

Gu Youyou's chin was pinched by him, unable to speak, her body was limp and weak, and she didn't even have the strength to resist.

She watched helplessly as the disgusting bug crawled into her mouth.

The worm hesitated for a moment in her mouth, and then began to crawl down her throat.

She really wanted to bite this thing to death, it was better to swallow it dead than alive.

But Yu Jizi kept pinching her chin, not giving her a chance to bite it down.

This feeling of nausea but not being able to vomit was like torture on her body.

There is something in the throat, and it is indescribably uncomfortable.

Pain and itching, burning sensation in throat, and fluid flow.Gu Youyou guessed that her throat must be broken and bleeding.

She was so uncomfortable that she burst into tears, but when she thought that there was no Youyingzhu in her body at all, and when she thought that Yu Jizi would be pissed off with anger, she felt extremely comfortable.

If she guessed correctly, this meteorite is very important, and may even be the key to success.

This old pervert, with thousands of calculations, must not have calculated that You Yingzhu is no longer in her body. He may have been to the deep pit where Fusang fell, but he must have never been to that mouse hole.

It is impossible for a person like him to be carried in by those rats as food.

And that mouse hole, many, many years ago, maybe the predecessors of Taoism went there, but after they left, it was closed again.

Gu Youyou was too uncomfortable to cry, so she grinned grinningly.

Her arm was still bleeding, and the blood dripped to the ground, crawling with many greedy bugs.

Blood was also coming out of the mouth, and with those white teeth, it looked coquettish and terrifying.

Time has passed for a long time, Yu Jizi faintly felt that something was wrong, why didn't he come out yet?
Gu Youyou felt that her body was terribly uncomfortable, and the worm was burrowing into her body. If this continued, she would die before she saw Yu Jizi jump into a rage.

This body is still so young, she has already died once, she can't die again.

Why hasn't Jin Zijin come yet?Did he not find himself or what?Circe had said that she left the cloth bag on purpose, and he would follow the bee to find them.

Or... something happened to him, and Yu Jizi treated him that time... No, no, at most he was injured and didn't come because the injury on his body was not healed.

Suddenly, she didn't want him to come.

He is not Yu Jizi's opponent, so what if he comes?Do you want to be a pair of ghost mandarin ducks with yourself?
But he still has so many things to do, his mother's vengeance has not been avenged, and the Taoist affairs...

The more Gu Youyou thought about it, the more confused her mind became.At one moment I hoped that he would come, and at another moment I hoped that he would not come.

Time passed by, and I don't know how long it took. When she was about to lose consciousness from the pain, she finally felt that the disgusting bug that should be crawled out.

Yu Jizi caught the bug and threw Gu Youyou aside.

Gu Youyou lay on the ground, and countless bugs rushed towards her immediately.

There were tears in her eyes, but she was smiling.

Because of the throat injury, the laughter was particularly hoarse, even terrifying.

 This afternoon's update will be advanced to 11:30 noon, and the update will start at 12 o'clock at night

(End of this chapter)

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