Chapter 882 She Is A Variable

She was laughing at Yu Jizi's careful arrangement for many years, but in the end it was nothing.

Man is not as good as God, who knows that other than his bugs, there are other ways to safely take out the Youying Pearl.

Yu Jizi pinched the bug, trembling all over.

What about Youyingzhu?

What about his Youying Pearl?

He personally fed it to Gu Youyou back then, it's impossible not to have it.

He turned his face coldly, stared at Gu Youyou with wide eyes, and asked sharply, "Where's You Yingzhu?"

Gu Youyou laughed loudly, her throat was burning, but she laughed happily.

"What do you think?" she said to him in a hoarse voice.

"You're looking for death." Yu Jizi kicked Gu Youyou, her body flew straight out, hit the coffin, and fell down again.

Gu Youyou spat out a mouthful of blood. As a doctor, she knew very well that her ribs were broken, maybe more than one was broken.

Gu Youyou still laughed loudly, and said: "You will never get the Youying Pearl, do you know where I went? I went out to sea and threw the Youying Pearl into the deepest sea, and you will never find it, haha... "

Yu Jizi's face was livid, and instead of being kind, his face was ferocious and terrifying.

No, no, this woman is a variable.

Obviously everything is under his control...

He suddenly tightened his pupils.

But without the Youying Pearl, what should I do next?

His body is already so old that he can't wait.

At this moment, he discovered something that shocked him even more.

Jin Ziyuan, who was supposed to absorb the blood of Gu worms in the coffin, was emitting a strange red light, and his carefully raised Gu worms were dying in large numbers.

The blood of those Gu worms could not reach his body at all, but touched Jin Ziyuan instead, and was burned to death by his scorching breath.

How could this be?
Seeing this strangeness, Yu Jizi ignored Gu Youyou, Lima bent down to check Jin Ziyuan.

Jin Ziyuan's face was flushed red, and it was very hot when touched by his hands.

How can it be hot?
To activate the cold gu in the body, the whole body should be icy cold.

He couldn't figure it out, and when he was thinking hard, Jin Ziyuan in the coffin suddenly opened his eyes, and the impact of the cold outside and hot inside made him unable to help but yell out loudly.


It was at this time that Yu Jizi suddenly thought of a possibility that such hot yang energy could wipe out these Gu worms that he carefully reared in one fell swoop, and only the Zhuzhao Pearl lost by the Jin royal family of Zhuzhao Kingdom could do it.

It turned out to be in Jin Ziyuan's hands, did he find it or was it in his hands from the beginning to the end?
No, the timing is wrong.

But there was no time for him to think about how the Zhuzhaozhu was in his hands.

"Hmph!" He snorted coldly, pinched Jin Ziyuan's chin, and put the bloody worm into Jin Ziyuan's mouth again.

Jin Ziyuan didn't wake up, he was struggling uncomfortably.

The worm crawled into his mouth, and soon, it crawled out of his mouth, carrying the red candle bead.

Although he lost the Youying Pearl, he got the Zhuzhao Pearl, which also made Yujizi very happy.

"Ah, hahaha... If you change the bead, you have to change the formation too!" He laughed loudly.

Gu Youyou was thinking about strangling Jin Ziyuan to death, when did this guy go back to the sea and bring out this bead, and eat it disgustingly?

Xu Shi no longer had the yin and yang, the cold and the hot fighting in his body, and Jin Ziyuan finally woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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