Chapter 884 Tianjizi PK Yujizi

She was hurt so badly.

"Yuyou, I'm late!"

He tapped her acupuncture points to stop the bleeding.

Jin Zijin stared blankly, and said, "You wait here obediently for me."

He put her down, held the bright red dagger, and wanted to get up and stab Yu Jizi.

Tianjizi held him back and said: "He just practiced the method, and it took a lot of energy. You just guard this female doctor and let him go as a teacher."

"Heaven has come?" Yu Jizi stared at Tian Jizi in shock.

Tian Jizi said with a faint smile: "You are sure that today is your weakest time, if the old man doesn't come today, when will you wait?"

Yu Jizi cursed angrily, "Well, you old man, you actually plot against me, aren't you crazy?"

"I'm crazy or not, you just try it."

After all, he held a golden long sword and attacked Yu Jizi.

The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Although Yujizi is very weak at this time, he can still bear the attack of Tianjizi.

Yujizi and Tianjizi quickly confronted each other, and it was difficult for others to intervene in their level of battle.

Jin Ziyuan took the opportunity to run quickly to Shimen, and ran to Gu Youyou.

He squatted down and stretched out his hand to touch her, but when he saw that she was lying in someone else's arms, he withdrew his hand back suddenly.

Jin Zijin raised his head and said to him, "Thank you! You go, your people are looking for you everywhere."

Jin Ziyuan nodded lightly, then glanced at Gu Youyou reluctantly, and finally gritted his teeth and left.

With him around, he'll save her, and she'll be fine.

The door of this tomb has a characteristic. After being opened once from the outside, it must be opened again from the inside. This is called one in and one out.

For example, Yu Jizi brought Gu Youyou and the others in before, so the next time the tomb door is opened, it must be opened by the people inside, and people outside cannot open it.That's why Jin Ziyuan tried his best to get Yu Jizi to open the door.

It was also because of this reason that Gu Youyou couldn't open the door of the tomb.

Fortunately, there was a second way to open the door in the tomb, and Gu Youyou happened to know the innate gossip, and found the door of life, so he had the opportunity to open the door of the tomb again.

Jin Ziyuan didn't know that there were Jin Zijin and Tianjizi outside the door, he was just betting that Jin Zijin would come, and if he came, he would be able to rescue her.

Fortunately, he won the bet, and Jin Zijin did not disappoint him.

Seeing Jin Ziyuan running away, Yu Jizi was so furious that he kicked the coffin lid, and the coffin lid weighing hundreds of kilograms suddenly flew up and flew straight to the tomb door, blocking the tomb door that was about to fall in the air.

Jin Ziyuan didn't turn his head when he heard the loud noise, but plunged into the long and narrow tomb passage. He ran wildly all the way, not knowing how much blood he vomited.

Yujizi wanted to chase him out, but was blocked by Tianjizi's sword.

A gleaming local tyrant's sword stood in front of Yu Jizi, and he was so angry that his eyes turned green.

"So this money sword is in your hand? You hid it well!"

When Tianjizi lost, he lost the money sword, but he didn't want to, the sword disappeared before Yujizi took it and warmed it up.

Yu Jizi was furious, but at that time he whipped many disciples and failed to find the sword.

According to his understanding, Tianjizi has always been known as a gentleman, since he lost the sword to himself, there is no reason to steal it again, so he has never suspected him in these years.

But who would have thought that, he really stole the sword back.

 The update started at 24:100 at night. It was originally 100 chapters. I also prepared 50 chapters for everyone, and they have all been put in the manuscript box. However, I was notified by the editor that the standard for this event is 100 chapters, not the 100 chapters mentioned earlier. , I probably didn't work hard enough, my grades were not good enough, and I didn't get the 80 chapters.So I don’t dare to add too much, I will just take out 100 chapters, and I will update more than ten chapters every day in the future, and the rest will be added every day within a week until the manuscript box is empty.Then, the girls also show some sincerity. I have to write [-] chapters for a long time, and I have to save them for a few months. For everyone, all subscriptions are only a few dollars. Girls, please support the genuine subscription. , I still want to fight for another explosive event.

  The content of the 100 chapters has been written until the hero and heroine get married, the bridal chamber, haha, so happy.

  Finally, a friendly reminder that zero o'clock is the peak period for publishing, and there may be a delay of a few minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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