Chapter 885 It's Rush Outside
While blocking Tianjizi's attack, Yujizi sneered and said, "Senior brother, you actually did such shameless things as stealing chickens and dogs, which really opened my eyes."

Tianjizi laughed and said, "You don't deserve it, it's mine, so I'll take it back."

The money sword is a sword made of ninety-nine 81 rose money strung together. It is used by Taoists to slay demons.

"You're not crazy, you're just pretending to be sick? Since when did you start plotting against me?" Yu Jizi stomped her feet angrily.

Tianjizi smiled and said: "If I'm not crazy, how can you do it with confidence? So I am indeed crazy."

The light of the sword in Yujizi's hand flickered, and he stabbed at Tianjizi's vitals.

This old guy is really hateful.

The sword light flickered in the tomb, Jin Zijin feared that the sword energy would hurt Gu Youyou again, so he hurriedly led her out of the tomb.

Her injury was too serious to stay here any longer, and he wanted to take her down the mountain for treatment.

This is the closest to Lianhua Village, the doctor of Qingshui Town, Qin Changlin of Jishengtang.

"You ruined my good deed today. I couldn't kill you 50 years ago. Today, I will let you die here with your apprentice."

Jin Ziyuan ran away, which made his soul-changing priest today a failure, which made Yu Jizi frustrated.

Tianjizi laughed loudly and said, "I'm called treating another person in the same way. I was fooled by you 50 years ago. Do you think I will be fooled by you again this time? You see See if you can kill me."

In terms of work, they have gone through hundreds of moves, the moves are natural, but the moves are fatal.

Several other women in the tomb were already dead, and their deaths were grim and terrifying.The bugs all over the ground are hiding everywhere, but under their swords, not even a fly can survive.

Swept by the sword energy, all the Gu worms that Yu Jizi had fed for many years died.

There were bursts of pain in his heart, his eyes were fierce, and his offensive became more and more fierce, but he was full of loopholes because of his panic.

The Tianjizi kept hitting him.

"Transferring souls and changing lives, this is a law against the sky. No one has succeeded, and you are the same. Don't think about it. If you think about it too much, it's just harming others and yourself."

Yu Jizi jumped up angrily, and said: "If you didn't destroy it, how could I fail? If you don't dare to do this, let me do it. I'm not for me alone. If I succeed, you can too... ..."

"Life and death are destiny, do you think everyone is like you? Tell ghosts about your high-sounding reasons!"

Tianjizi seized the opportunity to give Yujizi a fatal blow.

He had been brooding over his defeat in the Sword Discourse Arena for more than 50 years.

Waiting for this day has been more than 50 years.

Yu Jizi hurriedly dodged, but was still hurt by the sword energy.

It's not a joke to hurt them with such sword energy, and Yu Jizi spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he rushed out the door.

This old guy is over a hundred years old, his lifespan is not long, he is 20 years younger than him, there is no point in fighting him at this time.

The two chased and fled, and soon left the tomb.

They had been fighting inside, only to find out that they were also fighting outside after they came out.

Yue Rujing led a group of Tianzong people, and Huo Li led a group of Xuanzong people to fight in the forest.

They actually fought on Tianmen Mountain?
Jin Zijin carried Gu Youyou out of the ancient tomb, seeing this scene, he was really anxious and angry.

(End of this chapter)

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