Chapter 892
Jin Zijin pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "It would be fine if the master avoided us, at least it means that he is safe, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured now... If Xuanzong's people find him before us..."

Yue Rujing was palpitating, she put away her exhausted face, and said, "Senior Brother said, I really hope that Yu Jizi, who is half dead, will be discovered by us first."

Shunzi went into the mountain again today, and he brought Gu Yunxi over first.

"How is Yoyo?" Jin Zijin asked immediately when he saw them coming.

Yue Rujing said in her heart: It's rare for senior brother to be so restless, it's really rare.

"Brother Jin, don't worry, the eldest sister is not in danger of her life this time, it's just that she hurt her throat and she can't speak now."

"That's good!" Jin Zijin breathed a sigh of relief, "Tell her that I will visit her when I have time, so that she can recover from her illness with peace of mind."

Shunzi nodded and said, "I'll definitely bring the message." A moment later, he said, "Brother Jin, can you go to your house when you're free? I've been cleaning up your house for you."

Jin Zijin laughed for the first time in these days, although it was very faint, but like the sun that scattered clouds, it swept away the previous haze.

"Thank you, Shunzi!" he said, patting Shunzi on the shoulder.

Gu Yunxi was talking to Yue Rujing from the side.

"Sercy said that there are some medicines that are not available in the Jishengtang in Qingshui Town. It is estimated that they can only be obtained in the palace. Yue Shizi, can you ask someone to find them? See where there are those medicines. Doctor Gu's illness Get well soon."

The Jishengtang in Qingshui Town is not comparable to the Jishengtang in the capital city. There are many medicinal materials that are worth a lot of money. The main reason is that in such a small place, no one can afford those medicines.And those who could afford those medicines would not seek medical treatment from Qin Changlin, and went directly to the capital.

Yue Rujing took the medicine list that Gu Yunxi handed over, looked at it and said, "Okay, I'll find someone to get it."

Gu Yunxi hesitated to speak, Yue Rujing squinted at him and asked, "But is there anything else?"

Gu Yunxi said: "Caomin, can I ask Prince Yue for a favor?"

"What are you busy with?"

"Caomin has been away from home for a long time, and the parents at home must be worried. Can Yue Shizi ask someone to send a message to my parents and tell them that they are safe, so that they will not be worried all the time."

Yue Rujing laughed and said: "Of course it's fine, it's a trivial matter. Well, you can go back to Jishengtang, and come to us anytime you need anything."


After searching for more than a month, the three major troops still found nothing.

They have searched all over the mountains behind Lianhua Village.

If you don't want to leave, you have to leave.

That day, everyone evacuated from the mountain with different expressions, only Huo Li was pale, avoiding Jin Zijin and Yue Rujing.

He knew very well in his heart that if something happened to Yu Jizi, he would not be able to defeat Jin Zijin with his ability.

However, these are things for the future, the most urgent thing is to return to Sanqing Temple as soon as possible, and integrate Xuanzong's disciples.

And we must let everyone believe that Master is still alive, and things will happen again.

As long as the master's name can hold them down, nothing major will happen for the time being.

Yue Rujing wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to deal with Huo Li, but Jin Zijin obviously had no such intentions.

It has been more than a month since I searched the mountains with the big army.

The officers and soldiers sealed off the mountain, and the villagers did not dare to come in for hunting. They only wandered around on the small hill behind the village. The mountain behind the Lianhua Village has been rumored to be miraculous by everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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