Chapter 893 She said it hurts

Orion, who saw the gods fighting that day, came back and said that there are gods in the mountains. The emperor has been looking for the gods for many years for the elixir of life. On that day, he finally got the news that the gods came to the mountain behind Lianhua Village, so he immediately mobilized Yangguan City. garrison, a month-long search for the mountains.

But nothing.

Some people also said that the emperor is just tossing around. Is this fairy you can find?Looking for a month?I'm afraid they would have flown away long ago.

Of course, these words are said in secret, but they dare not openly chat.

After a month of rest, Gu Youyou can already sit up.

All the fixed things on the body are removed, and all you need is to rest well.

The injury in the throat has also healed, but it is still somewhat damaged, not as lively and pleasant as before.

She sat in a wheelchair and took a nap in the yard to bask in the sun. Under the sun, her porcelain-white skin looked somewhat transparent, with the paleness of recovering from a serious illness.

Jin Zijin stood at the gate of the courtyard and didn't go in for a long time.

I haven't seen her for a month, leaving her alone struggling on the line of life and death. When she is in pain, does she faint again and again, calling his name in her heart again and again, but he is not by her side, maybe he is the only one who is so cruel Talent can do it.

But he was afraid that when he saw her, seeing her sick and pale face, he couldn't bear to leave.

Yue Rujing pushed Jin Zijin from behind and said, "Brother, why don't you go in? Don't you want to see her?"

"She is resting." Jin Zijin said.

His face was a little dark, with a bit of ambiguity.

Yue Rujing laughed and said: "Then you just wait here, I'll go back first, I can't let Huo Li go back and mess things up."

"Well, go back quickly." Jin Zijin nodded and said.

Yue Rujing glanced at the people in the courtyard, sighed softly: "Brother, you...give her a hello for me."

After Yue Rujing left for a while, Gu Youyou opened his eyes.

The sun is shining on the body and it is so warm that it is easy to doze off, but it does not last long.

She slept for about half an hour.

Turning his face, he saw Jin Zijin standing at the door at a loss.

She looked at him slightly surprised.

he came?How long have you been here?Why don't you come in?
When she thought she was about to die, he was always on her mind. She saw him the moment she closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she saw him again. It felt like a century had passed.

Seeing him, she was also a little dazed.

Jin Zijin strode towards her, his eyes fell on the special wheelchair she was sitting on.

"Does it still hurt?"

His voice was very gentle, as soft as a humble and pitiful grass.

"It hurts," she said.

Jin Zijin listened, and suddenly his heart tightened.

She said it hurts, the voice was not as clear and melodious as before, it was a little hoarse.

He remembered that they had said that her throat was hurt.

He didn't know how her throat was hurt, he just said: "Is your throat still not healed?"

Gu Youyou nodded slightly, and said: "I still ate that disgusting bug, it hurt my throat when it crawled in and out. But it didn't take anything out of my stomach, that old bastard Yujizi was so angry. His face turned green, if I didn't take the opportunity to ridicule him in that situation, if he died, wouldn't I be at a big loss?"

Jin Zijin's heart and eyes were throbbing, and he said, "You are not the one who suffers in the end because of your quick tongue? Since your throat is hurt, how can you speak?"

(End of this chapter)

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