Chapter 896

No, what kind of God's will, she only hoped that the thief caught her, and it would be even better if the thief was him.

Even if he died, at least he died outside.

Luluo picked out a festive hairpin for Lin Qianqing to wear. Seeing the thin face, she sighed softly, "The princess looks good only when she smiles, and the dimples on your face can only be seen when you smile. You are obviously our The most honorable concubine in the palace, because of your estrangement, the prince has been seduced by those foxes. Except for the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year and your birthday every year, the prince does not come at other times. This is not the way to go. , I am really afraid that Mrs. Lin will ask about me again when I return to the Lin residence today."

Lin Qianqing said in a low voice, "Tell her that I'm doing well."

"But where are we? Those women don't think of you anymore."

"What are you afraid of? When it comes to Chinese New Year, the prince still has to accompany me back to my mother's house. If they want to go back, they need my consent. It doesn't matter how much favor you get, the key is who is in charge of the family."

Luluo's eyes widened, she really didn't expect to hear such words from her princess.

That said, the concubine was so smart when she was still in the Lin family, how could she not be able to handle a few vicious women?

The King Jin and Princess Jin were greeted bustlingly in the Lin Mansion. According to customary etiquette, the men sat at the same table and the women sat at the same table.

Mrs. Lin, Mrs. Lin, Lin Qianqing, Lin Zixin, Gu Youyou.Five people surrounded the big round table, but it seemed a little sparse.

Mrs. Lin was very happy, she closed the door, she didn't care about the etiquette, she sat beside Lin Qianqing, looking down at her belly.

"Big girl, it's been so long, is there any movement in your stomach?"

Lin Qianqing's face turned red, she twitched the corners of her mouth, and said, "Not yet, how could it be so fast."

"Quick?" Mrs. Lin's voice raised an octave, and seeing Mrs. Lin's unkind eyes looking at her, she hastily lowered her voice and said, "The two side concubines and four concubines have all entered the mansion. , why are you still in a hurry? If you, the concubine, let the concubines take the lead, not only will you lose face, but our Lin family will also lose face. "

Lin Qianqing said in a low voice: "There is no need to rush this kind of thing. What's the use of being anxious? Besides, no one is pregnant now!"

"Since everyone is not pregnant, then you should be more careful and work harder yourself. Only after giving birth to the eldest son will you be considered a stable concubine."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Gu Youyou who was sitting opposite, and said, "Yuyou, take your cousin's pulse in a while, what's the problem. If you have a physical problem, drink medicine quickly."

Gu Youyou put down her chopsticks, she couldn't bear to teach them a lesson.

Gu Youyou said: "How old is my cousin, she just turned 16, right? Having a child at this age is no healthier than a 20-year-old girl. Auntie, it doesn't really matter if the eldest son is not, the key is that the child is smart and of good quality. Then A smart child can top a group of idiots. But you don't know, how can such a child be born with a smart child, that is also particular."

Mrs. Lin is quite convinced of Gu Youyou's medical skills. Hearing what she said, it seems reasonable, but it's too late at 20 years old, and the day lily is cold.

She automatically ignored the three words 20 years old and focused on the two words smart.

Her eyes lit up, and she said, "Does Yoyo know how to give birth to a smart child?"

(End of this chapter)

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