Chapter 897 Pregnancy
Gu Youyou nodded with a grin, and said, "I know!"

Mrs. Lin was very excited and said, "Then tell your cousin how to give birth to a smart child."

Gu Youyou said: "Then there are too many conditions, and everything that needs to be done is done, and I'm afraid you will find it troublesome."

"No trouble, no trouble, how can you dislike trouble when you have a baby."

Gu Youyou glanced at Lin Qianqing mysteriously, and then said to Mrs. Lin: "It's not good for a couple with a blood relationship like this cousin and sister to have children, but the Duke's Mansion is a big family, and the cousin and King Jin also express their love for you." I've made a few watches, so let's not talk about it.

But this age is very important. The best fertility of a woman is at least 20 years old. With a mature body, you can give birth to better children. Just like that tree, the fruit of a young tree is not as good as that of an adult tree. eat, don't you? "

Madam Lin curled her lips and asked her to continue.

Anyway, she planned to ignore it.

"Secondly, if you want to give birth to a good child, you have to start preparing for pregnancy half a year in advance, and you have to plan carefully when you are pregnant. Don't be careless at all..."

Gu Youyou eloquently talked about a bunch of prenatal and postnatal theories. Madam Lin asked someone to write it down with a pen, and then asked Luluo to take it back, and asked her to supervise Lin Qianqing's preparation for pregnancy.

Lin Qianqing is a slow person, even if she can't let her first child be born, it would be a good thing to have a smart child to wipe out those scumbags.

Anyway, this is a descendant, behind it is the Lin family, the queen, and the Duke's mansion.

After the banquet, Gu Youyou talked with Lin Qianqing.

"Looking at you, your life is not very good, but it doesn't look like you are hurt. What's going on?"

Lin Qianqing smiled and said, "What else can I do? If there are more women in the family, there will be more things."

Lu Luo lit a fire and fanned the wind, and said: "It's still the princess who is not happy, so she can show the prince's face. The prince coaxed her at first, but after the side concubines and concubines entered the door, the prince got bored and kept saying that the princess is not as flexible as she was when she was a child." Miss Biao, please help persuade the princess!"

"Shut up." Lin Qianqing yelled at Luluo, and said, "You don't have a place to talk here, go out."

Luluo pursed her lips aggrievedly, bent down and went too.

Gu Youyou looked at the door, sighed again, and said, "Luluo was chosen by your aunt. She has been with you since she was a child, and she is only for your own good. Listening to her words, your cousin was very supportive at first. If you like you, you show your face to others, and if they stick their hot face to your cold ass, after a long time, you will lose your patience?"

With red eyes, Lin Qianqing said suddenly: "Cousin, I really hope that, like you, you suffer from some incurable disease and can lose your life at any time, so that no one will force me to marry."

"So you don't actually hate your cousin, but you just don't like that kind of life."

She nodded slightly, and said, "That's right, so I really don't care who he pets."

"Oh, then I can't help it." Gu Youyou lay on the back of the chair and laughed, "How should I put it, you don't like this kind of thinking, I think it's pretty good. At least when he favors others When you are a woman, you will not be sad. If you want to live this life well, the initiative is in your hands, and it depends on what you think."

"What do you think?" Lin Qianqing blinked her eyes.

Gu Youyou smiled and said, "It seems that I have to work part-time as a psychologist."

(End of this chapter)

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