It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 899 The driver outside the city is sick

Chapter 899 The driver outside the city is sick
"Your idea, even you think it's funny, why don't you give me some advice?"

"I am sincerely giving you advice." Gu Youyou couldn't help but smile, and said with a smile: "If I were you, I would recruit a son-in-law for myself. He has money, beauty, and ability, but he lacks a warm quilt. Yes. Find someone who is obedient to give birth to a child. If you are not obedient, you will be kicked out by the broom, you..."

"Hey, don't, don't..." Miss Du couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "It's terrible for outsiders to listen to your shocking words. You'd better not worry about my affairs. Just like now, I'll just leave you alone." I feel pretty good."

"Then you lament that no one burned incense to the Du family after you died?" Gu Youyou suddenly thought of something, and said again: "By the way, is Mr. Xie not in the capital anymore?"

When mentioning Second Young Master Xie, Miss Du's expression darkened, and she said, "How do I know about him?"

Gu Youyou said calmly: "I heard that he often went to Manxiulou to look for you, has it been a long time?"

Miss Du twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "After returning to Beijing to worship the ancestors last year, he didn't go there again."

"I saw him when I went to Fusang City in the East China Sea. He was dressed as a city gate guard and served as the guard of Fusang City."

Gu Youyou always felt that if Miss Du insisted on not marrying, she would have something to do with Xie Zhonglin.

As far as she was concerned, she hoped that she would not have anything to do with Xie Zhonglin, so she suggested that she remarry.But how can she control what other people think, so she just wants to remind her, by the way, to see if she really doesn't know, or what's going on?

Seeing Miss Du's surprised expression, it seems that she doesn't know.

After a while, Miss Du said: "The eldest brother of the Xie family works as the guard in Fusang City. His position is second only to General Che of the East China Sea. He arranged for the second son to be a guard. It is for experience."

Miss Du didn't like this topic very much, so it soon came to Gu Youyou again.

"I heard that you have recovered from your chronic illness for many years. I'm afraid Mrs. Lin will hurry to find a husband's family. With your temperament, you are not a back home girl."

Gu Youyou laughed and said, "Well, let it be, how can you guess what will happen tomorrow?"


The body recovered and the poison was detoxified, Gu Youyou felt relaxed all over.

She also slacked off on researching those medicines. Her work attitude aroused Circe's dissatisfaction, and said, "How can you achieve great things by being so lazy? Don't go out today, and help me see if this equation is right. "

Circe is ten very studious girls who can learn things quickly. If they are placed in modern times, they are at the level of super academics.Gu Youyou has learned things for many years, as long as she wants to learn, she will teach her all at once, she always feels that it is faster than Gu Youyou imagined.

Gu Youyou lamented that the apprentices she had accepted in [-] didn't learn anything, and she took advantage of all the advantages.

Gu Youyou curled her lips, and said: "I haven't entered the palace for a long time, and the disciples in my palace have sent eunuchs to ask. If I don't go, the future Yizhi should come to the door. If you don't look at it today, you should also take a vacation." , I heard that the coachman at the post station outside the city has been ill recently, and I would like to invite you to see a doctor."

Circe frowned and said, "You mean Gu Yunxi?"

"Yeah." Gu Youyou nodded and said, "Who else is there besides him?"

"What's wrong with you? It's really troublesome."

That being said, she was already packing her things.

(End of this chapter)

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