Chapter 900 Lovesickness
Gu Youyou laughed, and said hehe: "What else could be wrong? Lovesickness."

Circe: "..." Her medical skills were thrown at her, the anger on her face almost set the whole room ablaze, her face was as red as Guan Gong's.

"Hey! Don't go if you have the guts."

"Nimma, I have taken in a fake apprentice, how dare I hit Master?" Gu Youyou cursed angrily as he ran, his whole body jumped like a dog.

"Go away, who is your apprentice."


When Gu Youyou went to the palace, the Empress Dowager asked again, "It's good that people are fine, so tell me what's going on? Why does it seem to be related to the National Teacher and the Celestial Master?"

Gu Youyou said in embarrassment: "Minnv actually didn't know too well. At that time, Minnv was in a coma, and she was already in the medical center after waking up. But I did hear that Tianzong and Xuanzong fought fiercely. "

The queen looked kindly, and sighed from the side: "The city gate was on fire, and the fish in the pond were affected. Youyou is the fish in the pond that suffered the disaster. Poor child, you kindly went to treat the sickness of the heavenly master, and then went to treat the sickness of the national master. I almost lost my life. Alas! Fortunately, it’s okay now, mother emperor, the emperor said that this is an internal matter of Daozong, we can’t talk about it, let’s stop talking about it, it’s scary.”

"Yes, this Taoist sect... Oh, don't say it, you can't say it. Okay, Yoyo, go to Jiu'er, she heard that you almost died, and she has been arguing to see you."

"Yes, Minnv resigns."

The maid took Gu Youyou to the Liuying Palace of the Ninth Princess, and the queen was still talking with the queen mother. When she saw Gu Youyou's back and saw the clothes, she suddenly realized, and said in surprise: "The clothes on Youyou seem to be full of clothes. Isn’t there a new model from Xiulou, isn’t it out yet?”

Clothes in Manxiulou seemed to be a luxury in the ancient upper class, and they were often bought with a lot of money.

And the one that Gu Youyou was wearing was a colorful plum skirt with the theme of cold plum blossoms in early spring that was drawn in the brochure the queen received years ago. Her one was the main green calyx.

She hurriedly said to the maid at the side, "Go to Jinxiu City and ask, is the set of palace powder I ordered ready?"

The queen mother laughed, and said: "Why is the queen chasing Manxiulou's clothes like those little girls? Gongfen is pink and white."

Being teased by the queen mother, the queen still looked a little embarrassed, and said: "My queen mother, if I don't wear it now, I will be even more embarrassed to wear it in a few years."

The palace maid also smiled, and said to the queen in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Dr. Gu is the boss behind Manxiulou. The slaves have inquired about it. These styles are all designed by Dr. Gu. I think the style she is wearing today is a sample. , the real product will be released in ten days, and it is written in the brochure."

"Oh, it was designed by Yoyo?" The queen mother was very surprised.

The maid beside her also said to her: "Yes, Queen Mother, Dr. Gu is quite capable."

The queen smiled, but the smile couldn't reach her eyes.

The cousin of the Lin family is a bit too strange, it seems that someone needs to investigate secretly, even if the Lin family is their own, they have to be more careful.


Gu Youyou failed to reach Liuying Palace of the Ninth Princess smoothly, but was stopped by the Eldest Princess Jin Fengzhao halfway.

"People in front, stop!"

Gu Youyou didn't notice the person who came out of the flowers, but the voice was not very friendly.

She turned around and saw the person opposite walking towards her quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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