Chapter 905

The queen regretted that she didn't take the opportunity to kill the woman when the emperor came to the throne relying on the Duke's Mansion.

If he had acted at that time, even if the emperor knew about it, he would not have done anything to her.

But it's different now, she's married and has her husband's family.He didn't do anything back then, and now it's really useless to do anything to her.

It's just that this woman is so arrogant and domineering, she is really angry that her heart and lungs hurt.

"Just you?" Jin Fengzhao really looked down on the queen, she said with contempt on her face, "If it hadn't been for my mother's accident, do you think you would be the queen? You were just a concubine in the prince's mansion back then. What do you do today?" After becoming the queen, have you forgotten that you used to be a concubine who groveled to my mother?"

"What did you say?" The queen was so angry at her.

"Anyway, I have no respect, I can't cure you anymore, come here, go, go and invite the emperor over..."

It was true that she was a concubine in the past. At that time, the Xiao family was very powerful. When the emperor was still the prince, she married Xiao Qin'er. Xiao Qin'er was the main concubine. She had nothing to say, but that happened so many years ago. .

Besides, she hadn't been a concubine for long, and she had never bowed to Xiao Qin'er.

When she entered the prince's mansion, the Xiao family had already lost, so the prince at that time had to seek other forces, and only then did he find the Duke's mansion.

After she entered the mansion, the emperor loved her very much, and stayed in her room every night, which almost made Xiao Qin'er angry to death.

So all in all, except that the concubine was taken first by Xiao Qin'er, she never lost to Xiao Qin'er at all.

Jin Fengzhao was arrogant, and snorted coldly: "It's just right, when the father comes, let him see with his own eyes how your stepmother bullies the daughter of the first wife."

The empress and Jin Fengzhao had already broken up completely. Gu Youyou was a party at any rate, and she was left behind by everyone, and she became an unknown person watching the theater.

The queen rolled her eyes when she heard Jin Fengzhao's words, and she was about to faint from her anger.

Jin Fengzhao is the only person in this palace who can make the queen lose her temper with anger.

This woman entered the palace as long as she could remember, but every time she wanted to deal with her, she told everyone that her stepmother bullied her.

Once when the emperor was still in the early court, he ran to the Hall of Supreme Harmony and said it in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu court.

Everyone said she was childish, but they believed her.

Thinking of all these things, the queen was so angry that she lost her mind.

Loudly said: "Okay, I want to see if I, the righteous queen, can cure you. Come on, take off the clothes on her body. Shameless, grab the clothes of the common people and throw them on yourself Wear it, I want to see how thick your face is."

Xiao Qin'er gave birth to such a daughter, which was beyond her wildest dreams.

"You dare, Jin Yushu, you dare to do something to me, I'll tell my father...ah, what are you still doing, pull these lowly maidservants away from me."

The configuration of the queen is obviously higher than that of the princess, and there is an advantage in having a large number of people. The court ladies and nuns went together, and the Zhaoyang Palace was in chaos.

Gu Youyou was completely left alone, and Jin Fengzhao's maids and nuns had all gone to fight, so she had to hide herself in a corner in order to avoid being hurt.

This incident seems to be caused by her, but in fact it really has nothing to do with her.

Looking at the appearance of the Queen and Jin Fengzhao, this is not the first time they have been together.Even if it wasn't for her, it would be for other things.

(End of this chapter)

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