Chapter 906
Jin Fengzhao was pressed on the rug by the queen's men and tore his clothes, describing it as a mess, and the voices of all the women in the Zhaoyang Palace were chaotic, what a magnificent scene.

Suddenly, a turquoise object flew out and fell to the ground crisply.

The maids and nuns continued, but the queen's face had changed.

what did she see?
Green Luan Jade?
How could Qingluan Jade be in Jin Fengzhao's hands?

No, no, it's not possible.

For many years, she has always wanted to obtain the Qingluan Jade, which represents the Jin family and only passed down to the queen and princess, but it disappeared with Xiao Qin'er, and she couldn't find it anyway, but she didn't want it. body.

"Stop it, stop it for me." The queen's eyes widened, and she bent down to pick up the turquoise jade pendant.

Gu Youyou held her breath, she never expected that the clothes would be torn during the tearing, and the Qingluan jade pendant she was hiding in the clothes fell out.

This thing was obviously recognized by the queen, how can this be explained?

The queen held the green luan jade pendant with a terrified expression on her face, and her voice changed.Gradually, the face began to become hideous.

"In your hands? How could it be in your hands? This thing is passed on to the daughter-in-law but not to the daughter-in-law. You are a princess, how dare you keep it private?"

This is something that represents the identity of the royal daughter-in-law, and it can only exist in the hands of three people.

Empress Dowager, Empress, or Crown Princess.

The Empress Dowager did not pass this item to the Empress, but passed it directly to Xiao Qin'er, who was born as a Crown Princess, which made her very angry.

Gu Youyou said in her throat that the queen was with her just now, but because of this jade pendant, she would definitely betray her.

I just hope that the emperor can come soon, and the queen mother, alas, why didn't the queen mother come, is she really going to die?

"This..." Jin Fengzhao was in a mess, his clothes were torn, and his hair was disheveled.She was dumbfounded when she saw the empress with a ferocious face, she didn't recognize this thing at all.

By the way, she didn't recognize it, it wasn't hers at all, it fell out of this dress, and it belonged to that pariah.

Jin Fengzhao snorted and said, "Why are you staring at me so fiercely? This is not my thing. It fell out of this clothes, and it belongs to that untouchable."

The queen was taken aback suddenly, remembering that this thing really fell out of this dress.

Now it was her turn to be dumbfounded.

How could Qingluan Jade Pendant be in Gu Youyou's hands.

Gu Youyou had already thought of a speech for herself, and when she saw the queen looking over, she hurriedly said: "Return to the queen, this thing is indeed a civilian woman's thing, I don't know...what's wrong?"

She looked more confused than the queen and Jin Fengzhao.

Seeing Gu Youyou's innocent appearance, the queen gradually calmed down.

That's right, this thing disappeared with Xiao Qin'er back then, and Xiao Qin'er has been living abroad for so many years, it is also possible that it will become a local.

It was she who was too excited.

The queen's expression gradually softened, and she asked Gu Youyou, "Where did you get this jade pendant?"

Gu Youyou answered honestly: "In the past, when women were in Lingnan, they went to the mountains to gather medicine. They saw this jade pendant from a boatman. They saw that it was in excellent condition, so they spent money to buy it from him."

"Where did the boatman come from?"

The queen was still very excited, but when she thought about it, Gu Youyou might not know how the boatman got the jade pendant when she bought the jade pendant, so she changed her words: "Where is the boatman?"

She must find someone to find out.

 Finally, the jade pendant was brought out.

  With Jin Zijin's temperament, I think he really can't take the initiative to confess his relatives, so I can only force him to confess.

(End of this chapter)

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