It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 907 The origin of the jade pendant

Chapter 907 The origin of the jade pendant

Gu Youyou was really afraid that she would ask someone to ask, so she hurriedly replied: "Minnv guessed that such a beautiful jade pendant would not be affordable for the boatman, so when she bought it, the minnv asked Chuanwen about it." The source of this jade pendant."

"Where did you come from?" the queen asked excitedly.

What happened to Xiao Qin'er back then, and later moved to Qishan, is something he has always wanted to know.

Gu Youyou said: "He said that it was given to him by someone who took his boat but had no money to pass on the boat fare. He said that this jade pendant should be used to offset the boat fare."

The old Nanny Li beside the queen whispered something in her ear, and the queen nodded slightly after listening.

Others couldn't hear it, but Gu Youyou could hear it clearly.

Nanny Li told the queen that Xiao Qin'er did escape to Lingnan back then.It is also possible that she was chased all the way, and she slept in the open air, and took a boat to escape without money to pay the boat fare, so what Gu Youyou said is very likely to be the truth.

Gu Youyou breathed a sigh of relief when she heard these words, she had passed the test with the queen.

It's just that this jade pendant belongs to Jin Zijin, representing his identity.

Whether he wanted it or not, she always wanted to give it back to him.

Now it's all right, she coaxed her to sell his jade pendant to save her life.

Oh, no, it can't be counted as her selling it, she was telling the truth, Jin Zijin didn't bring any money and gave this jade pendant to the boatman as a fare, but she really spent real money to buy it back.

"The emperor is here, the queen mother is here..."

At this moment, the voice of an eunuch who was neither yin nor yang elongated and sounded outside the hall.

A moment later, the emperor and the queen mother appeared together in Zhaoyang Hall.

Holding the Qingluan jade pendant in her hand, the queen seemed a little at a loss.

She was too excited for a while, and she hadn't thought of how to tell the emperor and queen mother about this matter.

People in Zhaoyang Hall knelt down to welcome the emperor and queen mother.

"Greetings to the emperor, empress dowager!"

The emperor looked at the crowd, it was obvious that the fight here was serious just now.

Except for the Queen, none of the others are doing well.

There is also a woman wearing an inner garment. Her description is a crime of disrespect in front of the emperor.

Gu Youyou secretly thought that she was really unlucky today.

But even though Jin Fengzhao didn't wear only his underwear, his embarrassed appearance was even worse than Gu Youyou's. The good clothes were all torn into tatters, hanging on her body one by one.

Seeing this scene, the emperor felt a little angry, and said in a deep voice, "Let's all get flat."

Then, his eyes fell on the queen's hands, and his eyes suddenly sank.

"Why is this Qingluan jade pendant in the queen's hands?"

Now that the emperor had mentioned it, the empress dared not hold it by herself, so she hurriedly handed over the Qingluan jade pendant to the emperor.

He thought to himself: Since this thing is passed on to the daughter-in-law but not to the daughter-in-law, if you give it to the emperor, you might return it to yourself.

"Your Majesty, this jade pendant was just seen by my concubine. According to Dr. Gu, she bought it by accident. Someone took the boat and didn't have any money to pay for the boat, so he took this jade pendant and gave it to the boat." Weng, Doctor Gu bought this jade pendant with a lot of money when he saw it."

The emperor cast his eyes on Gu Youyou, and asked, "Is that so?"

Gu Youyou didn't lie anyway, but just hid that she knew who gave it to the boatman, so she said without changing her face: "Go back to the emperor, it is true."

Since the jade pendant had never been passed to the Queen Mother or her old master, she didn't recognize it.

She felt that it was wrong to stare at a piece of jade pendant that came out of nowhere at this juncture, and the current problem should be solved.

(End of this chapter)

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