Chapter 908 Continue to tear

He said: "Oh, your majesty, let's talk about this jade pendant later, let's see what's going on first? Feng Zhao, look at what you're doing, why don't you change the old clothes. Yoyo, where are your clothes, Yoyo? Come here, bring some clothes for Dr. Gu, what is the proper way of doing this?"

It's just that the Queen Mother is busy cleaning up the mess, and all the thoughts of the Queen and the Emperor are still in the hands of the Qingluan Jade Pendant.

The emperor's unfathomable eyes stared at Gu Youyou, which made her feel guilty.

Although the old emperor is a scumbag, he is very shrewd.

Gu Youyou was seen through by him last time, and there was no way to fool him, so what about this time?

What she said is nine point nine is true, no, he still doesn't believe it?

Jin Fengzhao felt that she had been greatly wronged today, she was never afraid of the queen, but today the queen made her so embarrassed in front of the many people she brought.

At that moment, she grabbed the emperor's sleeve and kept crying.

"Father, my stepmother bullied me, look, she made my clothes shredded..."

She is only called the Queen's Stepmother, and she should have been called the Queen's Mother.

This is also a strange title, and it is also a great insult to the queen.

But the emperor didn't say anything, and no one else could do anything to her.

Jin Fengzhao's arrogance and domineering is also an emperor's intentional indulgence.Some people say that the emperor has always been worried about the death of the first princess, so he has a preference for the eldest princess.

This is the emperor's long-term love. When the emperor was down and down, the Xiao family took the lives of the old general and the eldest son to help him. The eldest princess is a girl anyway, so you can pet her a little bit. It doesn't hurt, so outsiders didn't think it was a big deal. inappropriate.

It's just that today's emperor is a little strange. If it was different, he would definitely coax the eldest daughter carefully.

But today he only holds the jade pendant in his hand, and only has that jade pendant in his eyes.

In the face of the embarrassing and crying eldest princess, he turned a blind eye?
"Father?" The eldest princess tugged at the emperor's clothes, "Father, what's wrong with you? Look at my son, and see how he has been bullied by her. Father, it's all because of Feng Zhao's disappearance since childhood." Mother, if my queen mother is still alive, I will never let my stepmother bully me!"

The queen's face was livid, and she couldn't help tearing the little bitch's mouth right away.

Xiao Qin'er oppressed her when she was alive, and left behind a wicked seed to make her unhappy when she was dead. She really regretted that she was soft-hearted and didn't kill her.

"You bully the weak, have no regard for elders, and are arrogant and domineering. As an elder, as the queen who is the master of this palace, I will teach you what is right and proper."

"I'm just teaching an untouchable, what's wrong with you, you don't like me, it's just because my biological mother was a concubine and you are a concubine!"

"Shut up."

The queen could hardly bear to slap her down.

"Hmph, I hit it off."

The queen mother felt that her head hurt from the noise, stomped on her crutches, and said loudly, "Shut up."

The empress dowager's prestige is still good, when she stamped her cane, both the empress and the eldest princess stopped.

The queen mother said with a dark face, pointing at the queen and the eldest princess: "Look at you, what do you say? You, an elder, don't look like an elder. Anyway, you can't let the palace people tear her clothes , she is a princess after all, and she is the most honorable eldest princess of our Zhuzhao country. And you, you are not a three-year-old child anymore, you are thirty. You have been married to the Xiao family for more than ten years, but you have not been able to give birth to a child for the Xiao family. Son and half daughter, do you want to let others die? If you give birth normally, your children should start a family. Look at what you look like now, even Jiu'er is more sensible than you."

(End of this chapter)

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