It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 909 Who is the Lord of the World

Chapter 909 Who is the Lord of the World
The queen and princess were obviously not convinced.

However, the Queen's ability to stand tall in the palace for so many years is naturally not all because of the Duke's Mansion behind her.

She herself, apart from being confused by Jin Fengzhao's anger, is usually quite normal.She knew exactly what to do and what not to do.

At this point, the queen mother scolded both of them, she automatically shut up and stepped aside.

For Jin Fengzhao, having no children is the regret of her life. She can accomplish anything, but she can't say that she has no children.

If it were someone else, maybe she would have killed him on the spot, and it was because it was the queen mother who said this that she endured it.

She was short-sighted, and immediately refuted it.

"Is it my fault that I can't have a baby? What can I do? I also want to have a baby, but it's not that I can't conceive. I heard from the imperial doctor that I have been in poor health since I was a child. I am too weak. Can't have children. Why am I weak since childhood? Isn't it because my mother suffered a lot when she was pregnant with me, and who is responsible for this?"

Taking the deceased Xiao Qin'er as an example, it has always been her strength, and it is also a weapon that can make the empress dowager and the emperor soften their hearts immediately.

"Then you can't harm the children of your concubine's other concubines. You have to leave a queen for others. What do you let people say about you and your father? Those things that were passed on in the previous court are all passed on to me. This old woman has it in her ears."

Jin Fengzhao felt very wronged, the child was the result of not being able to have a child.

A moment later, her eyes became fierce again, and she shouted loudly at the queen mother: "What do you know? The concubines of the son-in-law hate me to the bone, if I let them give birth to a child, it will be against the sky? In the future, the concubine's children will inherit everything in the family, what can I leave behind? Will I still have a way out by then?"

"What silly words are you talking about?" The queen mother was so angry that her face was livid, and her whole body was trembling.

Aunt Li hurriedly helped the Queen Mother to sit down.

The Empress Dowager pointed at Jin Fengzhao with her crutches and said, "As long as our Jin family is the lord of the world, who dares to bully you? The current emperor is your father, and the future emperor will be your younger brother and nephew. Health, no one will bully you."

"Hmph, my father is naturally my father. No one can bully me when my father is in power, but if my father is gone in the future, which younger brother will be the emperor? Jin Xiaoran? Look at the stepmother. You can tell with just a face, they didn't kill me alive, even if they are worthy of the father, can I still count on him to support me?"

"you you……"

This is really going too far, the queen mother didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

On the other hand, the emperor, as if he didn't hear what they said at all, just locked himself in another world.

In that world, there is such a shadow of nothingness, which seems to be far away in the sky, but also seems to be close in front of the eyes.With infinite hurt, infinite regret...

The emperor's eyes were a little moist. For many years, he had always controlled his emotions very well. No one could guess what was going on in his mind. Only in the dead of night that night, he would suddenly think of something.

Gu Youyou put on the clothes sent by the maid, and stood in the Jieluo of Zhaoyang Palace, trying to minimize her presence.

What Jin Fengzhao did undoubtedly subverted her worldview.

If it was an ordinary family, it would make sense for them to quarrel like this.

(End of this chapter)

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