Chapter 910 Punishment
It's just that the royal family has always paid more attention to etiquette, and it's really... a long time to see someone as arrogant and outspoken as the eldest princess.

What's more, what the queen mother said is quite right, she is not a child anymore, she is as old as Jin Zijin, and at thirty, she still acts willfully and recklessly like a child.

This is really out of habit, the emperor's habit?

The emperor doesn't look like a fatuous emperor, why would he do this?
In order to make up for what he owed Xiao Qin'er, he became a strong father, a father who allowed his daughter to act willfully.

But Jin Fengzhao knew everything in his heart, her reliance was nothing more than the emperor's favor, if the emperor passed away and the throne passed to the queen's son, her good days would really come to an end.

But who is to blame?Knowing that the world will change, but offending these people who shouldn't be offended.

She is just a non-threatening girl. If she can keep her own place, even though a woman who does big things like the queen will not treat her very well, she will not idle to trouble her.

Gu Youyou suddenly rejoiced that the child was replaced by someone back then. If Jin Zijin hadn't been replaced, maybe Jin Zijin today would be similar to her, like a second lord, even if the emperor handed over the throne to him, he would still Can't sit still.

"Mourning, you should say something, look at her, how spoiled she is by you."

The queen mother suddenly felt that she had no choice but to ask the emperor for help.

The emperor froze for a moment, looked away from the jade pendant, clenched his hand, and squeezed it tightly in the palm of his hand.

He turned to the queen mother and said in a deep voice: "The queen mother is right. It is the son's fault that she spoiled her. It is disrespectful for the eldest princess to contradict the queen mother. Here you go, imprison her in the clan mansion, and reflect on yourself. .”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

How is this going?

It's not once or twice that the eldest princess contradicts the queen mother, there are more serious times than this, the emperor just said a few words to her, when will she be imprisoned?
This level, or the clan mansion?
Jin Fengzhao hardly dared to touch his ears.

How can it be?No, it won't be true.

The royal father actually wants to imprison her in the clan mansion?
"Father, I am Feng Zhao, what's wrong with you?"

Could it be that something happened to the royal father and he was in a bad mood, that's why he treated her like this?
The emperor didn't look at her, but only looked at the queen mother and said indifferently: "The queen mother is absolutely right. Feng Zhao is no longer young, but she still acts recklessly and has no respect for her elders. I can no longer treat her like a child and let her go. If you can't teach well, Xiao Jinfei can't teach well either, why don't you send him to the clan's mansion to learn the rules, and when you understand it, when you learn it well, you can come out at any time."

After the queen was stunned for a moment, a smile gradually surfaced on her cheeks.

She has long seen that the emperor is filial, and the older the queen mother is, the more filial the emperor will be.I don't want to say it in front of the emperor. She dared to contradict the queen mother in front of the emperor. She should be in bad luck.

Of course, it had something to do with the fact that she had been torn off her clothes before, and she deserved it.

It's just that he was sent to the clan's residence, which seemed to be a heavier punishment.

And Jin Fengzhao was frightened into a fool.

The only thing she can rely on is the unlimited love of the emperor, and now the emperor wants to imprison her in the clan's mansion, who else can she rely on?
Others would be fine if they didn't add insult to injury.

It's just that the queen mother also felt that it was too much, the clan's mansion was the prison cell of the royal family, and the eldest princess was imprisoned in the Guanzong's mansion, and the royal family's face was not good.

(End of this chapter)

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