Chapter 915 Jin Zijin is here

Concubine Sheng Gui had a line of clear tears streaming out of her eyes.

After a while, the queen endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back, and laughed haha.

The emperor's complexion was pale, and he couldn't speak a word for a while.

The queen mother sighed, looked at the emperor, wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

Finally, she issued a decree.

No matter what the price is, people will go to find Lu Tong, and they must find out that Bai Xiaosheng who is known in the world.

Gu Youyou thought that she had passed this test, but in fact, the emperor made up his mind today and insisted on accomplishing this matter.

After he was sad, he turned his eyes back to Gu Youyou, and said lightly: "You still haven't explained the origin of this jade pendant."

Gu Youyou was also stunned.

Do you dare to betray your fellow daoist or fail to keep the poor daoist?
"Execution!" The emperor's voice was as clear as ever.

When a board landed on Gu Youyou's butt, the feeling was even more painful than being kicked by Yu Jizi to break her ribs.

Gu Youyou thought that she was not a female man like Circe, so she couldn't help but yelled out on the spot. The sound was loud and miserable, and people two miles outside the hall could hear it clearly.

After the pain passed, Gu Youyou knew clearly that the board didn't actually hurt her bones, but just hit her flesh, which was extremely painful.

But the queen mother said that she would die after ten boards. Is this the only way to play this board, or does it have some deep meaning?

Soon, the second board fell down again. Without thinking too much, she quickly closed her eyes and gritted her teeth.

But this time the board didn't fall on her body, and the powerful guard who got off the board also flew away with a scream and vomited blood on the spot.

There was no sound in Zhaoyang Hall, Gu Youyou endured the pain and opened her eyes, only to see Jin Zijin appearing at an unknown time, standing beside her.

Behind, is Yue Rujing who hurried over.

Seeing this scene, he turned pale with fright, and hurriedly knelt down to plead guilty to the emperor.

"Your majesty, please calm down, my senior brother... he was just too impatient, so he was a little impulsive."

The emperor's gaze shifted from Jin Zijin's face to Yue Rujing's body.

Yue Rujing hurriedly said: "Mr. Gu is related to the life and death of my family teacher. What she knew about Tianmen Mountain that day may be useful to us. The minister and senior brother came here today to borrow from the emperor."

"What if I don't borrow it?" The emperor said lightly.

Yue Rujing was startled, gritted her teeth and said, "Then why is the emperor willing to borrow it?"

"I just want to listen to the truth."

What truth?
Yue Rujing looked at Gu Youyou.

I don't know what trouble she caused again, but they rushed over as soon as they heard that she had an accident in the palace, and they heard her screams before they arrived.

Gu Youyou looked at Jin Zijin, and saw that his face was a little sweaty and his face was a little pale.

Speaking of which, she felt a little guilty.

The matter caused by this jade pendant, I knew it would cause such trouble, so I might as well throw it away.

However, Jin Zijin made an unexpected move in front of everyone, bent down and hugged Gu Youyou, in front of the emperor, without even looking at her, he hugged her and walked out.

What's even more strange is that the emperor, who just said he would not borrow money, did not stop him.I don't know if he forgot, or what.

Faced with this situation, the guards didn't know what to do.

Even if you are the eldest brother of Tianzong, you would never dare to look down on the emperor. How dare he...take away the woman whom the emperor ordered to be killed in front of the emperor?
(End of this chapter)

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