Chapter 916
Yue Rujing broke out in a cold sweat, we haven't become a national teacher yet.

It is true that he feels that the senior brother at this time is very manly, but you... you are too disrespectful to the emperor, he is the emperor after all.

And both the queen mother and the queen are there.

By the queen.

The fact that the emperor does not speak does not mean that the queen does not speak.

"Stop," the queen snapped.

Jin Zijin ignored her and continued to lead Gu Youyou forward.

Gu Youyou tugged at his clothes, and said, "Don't leave yet."

At any rate, he is Senior Brother Tianzong, as long as he doesn't touch the emperor's bottom line, he will be fine.

But now he is obviously touching the bottom line of others, challenging the royal majesty?She was afraid that if the emperor ordered them to be hacked to death in a hurry, it would be too wronged.

Jin Zijin still didn't stop, it seemed that no one could stop him from taking her away.

At this time, the emperor quickly came out of Zhaoyang Hall and stood in front of Jin Zijin.

He raised his hand and let go, a green jade pendant appeared in front of Jin Zijin, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He didn't know exactly what was going on with Gu Youyou?The messenger only said that Gu Youyou had a conflict with Jin Fengzhao and was taken to the palace by Jin Fengzhao.

He knew that this woman would abuse lynching, and killing a commoner was definitely something she could do, so he rushed to the palace.

As for alarming the emperor, the empress dowager, Jin Fengzhao was imprisoned in the clan's mansion, this was all because Yue Rujing asked a little eunuch after entering the palace.

But in his heart, no matter what Yoyo did, he must protect her.

So he took her away without asking.

But she never expected that it was this jade pendant that caused her death.

He gave the jade pendant to the boatman, and Youyou went to get it back.

He looked down at her with helplessness in his eyes.

Well, this may have been predestined.

Can't hide, can't lose.

"Where did this jade pendant come from? As long as you tell the truth, I will forgive you."

Gu Youyou said in her heart: The emperor is really unwilling to give up, and he won't let go of this jade pendant.

Yue Rujing followed, and he understood when he saw this jade pendant.

It's just that he didn't know that the jade pendant had gone through such bizarre twists and turns to get into Gu Youyou's hands. He thought it was Jin Zijin who gave it to her.

Brother really, just give it away, and actually told him that the jade pendant was lost, which made him worry for nothing.

But... wait, there are a lot of things going on recently, so it's not the best time to recognize relatives.

"Senior brother!" He put his eyes on Jin Zijin, let's talk about this matter now... It's a good opportunity to recognize relatives, and this jade pendant directly drew it out, but it's not a good time.

From Yue Rujing's point of view, it doesn't matter whether she admits it or not.

The two sides watched for a long time but no one spoke, but the queen mother who came from behind couldn't help it.

"Doctor Gu, if you have anything to say, just say it." She really didn't want Gu Youyou to be killed.

The queen's eyes are very complicated. She used to think that Jin Zijin was somewhat similar to the emperor, but when she thought of the similarities between the other princes of the royal family and their descendants, especially the eyes of the Jin family man , she didn't think much about it.

The Jin family is a big family. Many years ago, it was a family. It is normal to inherit similar eyes.

But thinking about it now, she smelled something different.

The Qingluan jade pendant is in Gu Youyou's hands, and Jin Zijin was born as the eldest brother of Tianzong, obviously protecting Gu Youyou, holding him like this, the relationship is really unusual, and if he is similar to the emperor...

(End of this chapter)

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