Chapter 917

"The jade pendant is mine."

While the queen was thinking hard, she suddenly heard Jin Zijin say such words.

The things she hadn't straightened out immediately became clear after he said these words, his, his...

By the way, Jin Zijin and Jin Fengzhao seem to be about the same age. Back then, someone found Xiao Qin'er's grave near Qishan Mountain, and they found an old woman and a three-year-old girl in front of Xiao Qin'er's grave.

At that time, whether it was the people from the Prince's Mansion or the people secretly cultivated by the Duke's Mansion, they had been looking for Xiao Qin'er for a long time.

They tracked Lingnan and disappeared. She had been inquired a long time ago. Xiao Qin'er had an unusual relationship with Yue Tingfang of the Lingnan Houfu. It was suspected that Yue Tingfang hid Xiao Qin'er.

The Duke's Mansion has great influence in the capital, but it is difficult to extend its hand to the South of the Five Ridges... Until a few years later, someone discovered Xiao Qin'er's tomb, which was actually under Naqi Mountain.

Only then did she know that Xiao Qin'er had left Lingnan a long time ago and was hidden in Qishan by Yue Tingfang.

She groaned inwardly.

What if someone deliberately changed the child?
I heard that Jin Zijin was also adopted by Tianjizi since childhood.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and everyone present was shocked.

Gu Youyou clearly said that she bought the stone from the boatman, but the queen mother didn't seem to be lying when she looked at her. This... this child, this is a crime of deceiving the emperor.

Gu Youyou didn't know what to say, she held onto Jin Zijin's clothes tightly, and said: "You gave the jade pendant to the boatman and didn't give it to me, I think it's a waste of such a good thing to the boatman , the boatman didn’t know the goods, so I took ten taels of silver and exchanged it for him.”

Jin Zijin said: "No one cherishes this jade pendant, so it is only worth the fare. If you want, there are better ones, so you don't need this jade pendant."

He looked at the emperor standing in front of him, seeing that he had no intention of giving way, he could only say: "This is the truth, I've already said it, can I go?"

Before he could answer, he had already walked around the emperor with her in his arms and strode away.

Yue Rujing looked at the senior brother who was holding Gu Youyou and left the palace without any hindrance, then looked at the emperor who was in a daze, and finally decided to follow the senior brother.

This matter is of great importance, and he feels that the emperor may take a long time to digest it.

Not only the emperor, but also the empress and queen mother need a long time to digest this matter.

When they came back to their senses, they had already gone a long way.

The queen mother guessed that Jin Zijin would not leave the palace so soon, so she hurriedly reminded the emperor.

"Mourning, that jade pendant belongs to him. We may have made a mistake about that incident back then. You should have someone stop them."

The queen's face was pale, and she took two steps back unsteadily.

This called for Cheng Yaojin to fight halfway, and she was completely sure of Sheng Qiaoyue's mother and son, so what if the emperor was partial?Manchu civil and military will not be partial.

Her son is the eldest son from the first line, and it has always been established that the eldest son is not the youngest, and the first son is not the concubine. She gave birth to the eldest son, that is justified, who would dare not listen?
But now why is there a... accident?
The emperor sighed after a long time, and said, "Queen Mother, you are tired today, my son will send you back to rest first."

"Ah...?" The queen mother said in a daze: "How can I rest for such a big matter? I won't rest!"

Concubine Sheng's behavior was the most unusual, she looked very calm, she whispered to the queen mother: "Mother, the emperor needs to think about this matter, you should go back to the palace to rest first."

The queen mother wanted to say something, but in the end she just sighed and let the maids help her to leave.


(End of this chapter)

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