It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 918 The embarrassment of taking medicine

Chapter 918 The embarrassment of taking medicine

In the Sanqing Temple, everyone was stunned.

Why did their elder brother bring a woman back? This woman is an acquaintance, Dr. Gu who once treated their master.

"This... What's wrong with Dr. Gu?"

The Xiaodao boys still respect Gu Youyou very much. She is a doctor with excellent medical skills, and she once treated their master's illness.

Everyone saw clearly the battle at Tianmen Mountain. At that time, Master was very well and not crazy.

Presumably it was Doctor Gu who cured Master. If Doctor Gu hadn't cured Master's brain, Tianzong would have lost that battle terribly.

Fortunately, it was just a lose-lose.

Yue Rujing stopped behind Jin Zijin, glared at the talkative Daotong, and said, "It's none of your business, what should I do, I'm really bored, so I'll go to the next door to find bad luck."

The disciples of Tianzong and Xuanzong lived in Sanqingguan, and there was a wall between them.

The people who were red-eyed before are now only separated by a wall, and it is a miracle that the wall is still intact.

Yue Rujing continued to follow with strides, but was about to step into the Qianyuan Hall when she was stopped by the sound of the door closing.

After being rejected, Yue Rujing's head flicked slowly, and after only a moment, he began to ask himself.

"What am I doing stupidly following along?"

He felt abused.

Followed by a large group of white road boys stretched their necks, Yue Rujing said angrily: "Whatever you want to see, why should you go?"

Although the board was very painful, it didn't hurt any bones, just some flesh wounds.

The pussy on the ass is super painful.

Now Gu Youyou is grinning.

And super embarrassing.

"Hey, can you stop ripping my pants and call Circe here."

They were just chatting under the quilt, and asked him to put medicine on her buttocks, which really made her feel like she was looking for something.

Speaking of which, if it was her patient, she would definitely despise it, but this patient was her own...

Jin Zijin's complexion was not very good-looking, and he pulled her hand away, saying: "If I knew today, why bother?"

Gu Youyou: "..."

"The more I live, the more hypocritical I become."

Gu Youyou: "..."

Then he took off her pants anyway.

Well, just think of an experienced doctor behind him.

It was cool behind him, and he didn't move.

It's no big deal for Gu Youyou to crawl on the bed with her eyes closed and hypnotize herself. There is a doctor behind her, and she is a patient, so there is nothing embarrassing about it.

It's just why he is not moving, isn't he in a daze?

She opened her eyes and turned her head sideways, saying, "What's the matter?"

Jin Zijin said lightly: "No big problem, just some redness and swelling, it's nothing serious. I'll give you some medicine to reduce swelling!"

The process of applying the medicine was even more embarrassing, Gu Youyou blushed, probably as red as her butt.

Fortunately, no one was hypocritical anymore. After giving her the medicine, she tidied up her clothes and covered her with a quilt.

They had to face the matter of the jade pendant.

Jin Zijin stood opposite her, and straightened her face to face him.

"Why did you bring back that jade pendant?" he asked.

"It's cheap, why don't you take it back, I only spent ten taels of silver." Gu Youyou didn't know what to say about this, so she just said it.

"Then what are you going to do now, that jade pendant!" Having already found out, Gu Youyou is more concerned about the consequences.

"Why didn't you tell the truth when you were beaten?" Jin Zijin asked her again.

Gu Youyou was stunned, and said: "I don't know what's going on in your heart, I'm afraid..."

(End of this chapter)

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