It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 919 My mother is Xiao Qiner

Chapter 919 My mother is Xiao Qiner
Jin Zijin interrupted her angrily: "Didn't I tell you many times, nothing is as important as your life, why do you always make people frightened, if you are killed, what do you want me to do?"

Gu Youyou was speechless, what he said was right, the feeling of being cherished always made her heart feel warm, and she lowered her head in the face of his questioning.

She murmured in a low voice: "I thought I shouldn't be too cowardly, and I'll sell you out after giving someone a hard time."

Jin Zijin sighed, and said: "I hope you can give me some advice. You are a girl, and you are not a dead man. No one will laugh at you if you are greedy for life and afraid of death. In such a situation, in order to save your life, you can betray anyone. I do not care."

Gu Youyou was a little bored, and asked: "Then you don't blame me for taking the jade pendant? I... I actually saw that you treasured it before, and after I got it back, I always wanted to find a chance to return it to you. I usually wear it close to my body. I sewed it into the clothes. I never thought that Jin Fengzhao would be so perverted that he would actually take the clothes off me, and then... Later, she and the queen tore it apart, and the jade pendant fell out."

Jin Zijin touched her swollen face besides the redness, and said, "Did she hit her?"

Gu Youyou also felt her own mistakes, and said: "She hit her, do you want to call it back for me?"

A trace of anger flashed in Jin Zijin's eyes, he gently covered her with the quilt, and said in a low voice, "You should rest first, don't go back today, I will notify the Lin family."

Gu Youyou watched him go out angrily, and her heart skipped a beat. Could it be that she really wanted to take revenge?

Oh oh, although the picture relieved his anger, it wasn't very good-looking, so he wouldn't be so ugly.


At this time, Jin Zijin was standing in the Hall of Preserving Harmony.

The emperor sat on the dragon chair at the top, and the empress dowager, empress and concubine Sheng sat on both sides in turn.

The queen mother looked very excited, she kept staring at Jin Zijin, she had a lot to say, because there were too many, but she didn't know where to start.

The queen's complexion was a little pale, she clenched her fists tightly, and her pale finger bones betrayed her superficial calmness.

Concubine Sheng had tears in her eyes and was very excited at the same time. Like the queen, she tried her best to maintain her superficial composure.

The emperor seemed to be much calmer. Of course, his superficial calmness did not mean that his heart was also calm.

"Where did you get this jade pendant?" the emperor asked him calmly.

Jin Zijin stood alone in the center of the hall, his face was as calm as a windless lake, and he said: "My mother kept it."

The queen was no longer calm, she patted the armrest of the chair, and said, "Where did your mother get this jade pendant?"

She refused to admit that the mother he mentioned was Xiao Qin'er. Even though she had already guessed it, she still tried to make the last chance. It was just a coincidence that Xiao Qin'er gave the jade pendant to another woman.

But the fact is that there is no other woman, and Jin Zijin's words are not sloppy.

"I don't know where my mother came from, but my mother is Xiao Qin'er. I don't need you to believe this, so I don't need to explain. Since I didn't want this jade pendant at the beginning, I won't get it back now. , whoever you want will take it."

"Hmph, then what are you doing here?" The queen's hands were trembling, didn't he take Gu Youyou away?How did you come back so soon?
The emperor didn't take the initiative to invite him, maybe the emperor didn't care who was Xiao Qin'er's child back then?

(End of this chapter)

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