It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 920 I'm here to ask for justice

Chapter 920 I Come to Seek Justice

After all, he has spoiled Jin Fengzhao for 30 years.

For 30 years, even if it is not biological, there is still some affection.

Jin Zijin said lightly, "I'm here to seek justice for Gu Youyou."

The people in the hall gasped.

So arrogant and bold, since he didn't come here for his own identity, but to seek justice for Gu Youyou?
If you are not a descendant of a phoenix, then why...

By the way, he is the eldest brother of Tianzong, the next popular figure of the national teacher, although the national teacher is in Taoism, his status is comparable to that of the emperor, no wonder he dared.

The emperor settled down, and said: "What kind of justice does the real person want to seek?"

Jin Zijin said calmly, "She was stripped of her clothes and slapped in the palace, and was robbed of a priceless jade pendant. Doesn't the emperor plan to give an explanation?"

...Is he calling the emperor and princess like robbers?
The maids and eunuchs standing up there thought it was too...

But then again, although it is unreasonable for common people to speak in front of the royal family, but because of the particularity of the Zhuzhao Kingdom, the current situation of Taoism, Jin Zijin today, is not reasonable. Qualified to speak the truth in front of the emperor and get a fair one.

The atmosphere in the hall was somewhat heavy, and the Empress Dowager was in tears.

She didn't know much about Taoism in the previous dynasty, but looking at Jin Zijin's appearance, she seemed to see Jin Mo Ning many years ago.

Her old master died, leaving a young son to survive in the cracks.

She knew that Jin Zijin hated them. Xiao Qin'er died tragically that year. She heard that when the emperor found her, the grass on her grave had grown tall.

There wasn't even a coffin, so it was rolled up with a straw mat and buried in a pit. The tombstone was just a dilapidated piece of wood.

The emperor ignored what he said, just holding the jade pendant, and asked in a low voice: "Your mother is Xiao Qin'er? You have been in Tianzong for so many years, and you should know who Xiao Qin'er is, so why didn't you Take this jade pendant and come to the palace to look for me?"

"Why are you looking for the emperor?" Jin Zijin suddenly smiled coldly and said, "I have been in Qishan since I was born. I was raised by my master since I was a child. Why did I come to the palace to look for the emperor?"

"You are my eldest son, the world needs you."

"But I'm also Tianzong's eldest brother, and my master has high hopes for me. The status of the national teacher is no lower than that of the emperor, so I really don't need to go into this muddy water."

"But I'm still your father." The emperor became excited.

The hall fell into dead silence for a while.

"Oh, is that so?" After a while, Jin Zijin said lightly, his tone extremely contemptuous.

The queen's whole heart was up and down, she didn't care about their entanglement, what she cared about was whether this person would snatch the throne.

"Your current status..." The emperor sighed, with a look of vicissitudes on his face, and said: "Forget it, if you want justice, I will give justice to you."

Jin Zijin cupped his hands and said, "Then thank you, Your Majesty, and leave."

Everyone just watched him come and go.

The queen mother stood up with the help of the maid, and said excitedly: "Why did he leave? Is he Qin'er's child? Mourning, why did you let him go?"

"There's no need to rush this matter. As for whether he is Qin'er's child... I guess so." The emperor sighed helplessly.

"Oh, why are you not in a hurry? It's been 30 years. Mo Ning, go to Xiao's house and ask him. If he is really the child of Qin'er, he must recognize his ancestor and return to his clan. He is the eldest son of a direct descendant. He ..."

(End of this chapter)

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