Chapter 923

"What's the matter?" The empress's anger gradually calmed down, but she still said in a bad mood: "Don't say that you don't know that the emperor suddenly has a eldest prince."

This issue?

Then how did you put the 'white-eyed wolf' on her head?What's the matter with her?

Mrs. Lin said indifferently: "The minister's wife only found out today that this indeed unexpected."

"That's unexpected." The queen slapped the armrest and said angrily, "What happened to Lin Xingyi's niece? Who is she? I think she already knew the identity of Jin Zijin. Living in the same courtyard, he even helped to hide it."

Madam Lin was startled, how did Gu Youyou know about this a long time ago?She said: "I don't know about this matter, that Youyou, recently I found that she does have something to do with that Jin Zijin, but I asked her today, and she said that it is not convenient to tell me now, and the empress made an urgent order, the minister Madam, of course, is the first to enter the palace to see you."

The queen sneered and said: "It's naturally inconvenient for her to say that a woman in her 20s has never been betrothed to anyone. It's because she had a private relationship with a man. Jin Zijin rushed into the palace yesterday because of her." , other people's attention is only on the jade pendant, but I can see clearly.

Then your niece has already had an affair with Jin Zijin, and you are in charge of the house without knowing it.I would like to ask you, are you really ignorant, or have you already had a second heart about the Duke's Mansion, and you have been hiding it from me with Lin Xingyi? "

Mrs. Lin took a deep breath. This incident was quite unexpected to her. Then Jin Zijin is the eldest brother of Tianzong, isn't he a popular figure for the next national teacher?How could such a person fall in love with a woman?
So, she never thought about it.

Even if she thought that Gu Youyou had an affair with Yue Rujing, she would never have thought that Gu Youyou had an affair with Jin Zijin.

Even if there was something, the queen should never have slapped herself without saying a word.

Madam Lin was very displeased, she endured the pain on her face and said lightly: "The queen is worrying too much, the Lin family will naturally not have ambiguities with the Duke's family, and my only daughter is married to His Royal Highness King Jin."

The queen breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Because of this, I will continue to trust you. Then Gu Youyou is not easy. After you go back, you have caught her. I will send someone to investigate her details. Before I find out, No mistakes are allowed.”


The aunt who has always been cold-hearted towards Gu Youyou is really cold-hearted towards her this time.

After Mrs. Lin came back from the palace, she immediately ordered Gu Youyou not to go out under any circumstances, and sent more people to guard her yard, and called all the servants in her yard except Xiang Toon to reprimand her After some time, when they came back, they all seemed to have changed.

This matter soon reached Mrs. Lin's ears. Mrs. Lin naturally would not tolerate someone bullying her granddaughter for no reason, so she immediately sent someone to call Mrs. Lin over.

"I heard that you grounded Yoyo again, what happened?"

Mrs. Lin couldn't believe anyone now, she just said: "Youyou spent the night in Sanqing Temple yesterday, she is a girl who has not left the cabinet, what if it gets out? I locked her up, and that was for her own good. "

"It's not the first time for her to spend the night in Sanqing Temple. Before the Celestial Master fell ill, she stayed in Sanqing Temple for a long time, and she didn't see you like this at that time. After all, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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