It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 924: Jin Ziyuan Appears Again

Chapter 924: Jin Ziyuan Appears Again
"Mother, don't ask me about this, it's for her own good that she was locked up anyway."

"Hey, there must be a reason. As a doctor, she needs to go out often, so she can't go to Jisheng Hall. You feel that it is unlucky for the patients who come here because of the reputation. You don't let them enter the mansion. You are too much." love to manage."

"Mother!" Mrs. Lin was really tired. The queen suspected that she had a double heart, and the old lady was holding her for a reason?
She sighed, and said: "I have something to do, so I'll leave first. Mother, if you have any questions, why not ask Xingyi, he should know more than me."

"Oh, you..."

Seeing Mrs. Lin's rare dignified expression, Mrs. Lin felt that this matter was not that simple.

"Go and call Xiang Toon. Oh no, don't call Xiang Toon just now, go and guard the adults, and let him come to see me as soon as he comes back. Alas, it's so late, where did Xingyi go? Haven't come back yet."

Mrs. Lin started admonishing people when she came back from the palace, and it was already dark when she was invited by Mrs. Lin again, and she would have been sleeping by now.

Here at Gu Youyou's place, all the servants were dragged by Mrs. Lin to give a lecture, and then Xiang Toon was also called, and Circe was also there.

Circe was very dissatisfied, "What are you going to do in the middle of the night? Do you want someone to sleep? I'm not a servant of your Lin family, so don't go too far."

Mrs. Lin's personal maid, He Xiang, said: "You live in Lin's mansion and eat in Lin's mansion. Do you think it's too much for our wife to ask you to go and ask a few words? It's okay if you don't go, so don't." Blame me for telling Madam truthfully, I will send you out of the mansion immediately."

From He Xiang's point of view, Circe is the only one who lives and eats for free in the Lin Mansion, and she is not a relative of the Lin Manor, so she is very shy.

Gu Youyou sighed, and said, "Go, at least you haven't been locked up."

Circe snorted, and for Gu Youyou's sake, she went with Xiang Toon.

As soon as they went out, one of them came to Gu Youyou's room without a sound.

Gu Youyou was startled, turned around, and saw Jin Ziyuan's pale face.

After leaving the ancient tomb that day, Gu Youyou has never seen him again, and there is no news about him outside, he seems to have disappeared out of thin air, but he doesn't want to, now he appears here?
"Why are you here?" Gu Youyou asked.

She hurriedly looked at the door, but found that no one saw it, and closed the door and window again.

"Although Yujizi's life and death are unknown now, the formation has been broken. He can't raise so many medicine men in a short time. We are not in danger temporarily. Oh, by the way, the cold poison on your body has been cured No? If not, I have a new medicine here, which can solve it."

Gu Youyou grabbed Jin Ziyuan's wrist and felt his pulse.

It happened that his cold poison had been cured.

That's right, she remembered, Jin Ziyuan took the candle light beads.

She sighed, and said, "You'd better throw away the bead. In fact, I can detoxify without the bead. I have already developed the antidote."

Now Gu Youyou, Jin Zijin, and Jin Ziyuan are all cured of the poison.

Jin Ziyuan didn't speak all this time, listening to Gu Youyou's chatter, he cared for him inside and outside the words.

He felt it was all worth it after hiding in Tibet for so long, suffering so much, suffering so much, and even risking himself to save her.

Originally, he would continue to hide while looking for Yujizi's whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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