Chapter 925 follow me

It is not appropriate for him to show up at this time, but the news that came out today... Jin Zijin is different from him, he is not the son of the anti-king, but Xiao Qin'er's child who was living among the people.

Thinking of this, he couldn't hold back anymore. He missed her and wanted to see her.

"I'll come to see you." Jin Ziyuan said in a low voice, "When I left that day, you were seriously injured. .Afterwards, you returned to the capital."

Gu Youyou smiled lightly, looking very relaxed, she said: "Fortunately, we are all alive and living well. Don't think about the past, think about it later. You...Your status is really not suitable for living in Near the capital, the world is so big, there are always places that the imperial power can't control, you find a place that no one knows and live well."

Jin Ziyuan smiled wryly, can he still live well?Since the failure of the Three Kings, he should not have lived in this world.

But it was rare to see her full of confidence in the future, but he couldn't bear to say such words.

He nodded slightly, and said: "You are right, I am planning to find a place where no one knows to live well, I am here to ask you something, if you don't agree, it will be considered as saying goodbye to you .”

"What's the matter?" Gu Youyou became serious.

She felt very comforted that Jin Ziyuan could think so.

As soon as she saw him back then, she had a feeling of sympathy for him. She helped him a few times because she felt that Jin Ziyuan could give her a sense of alliance. When facing that terrible thing, at least she Not alone, Jin Ziyuan is also there.

Now that she has escaped, she naturally hopes that Jin Ziyuan can escape and live a good life.

Jin Ziyuan said: "I asked you once before. At that time, I was a stranger to you. You didn't trust me, and I don't blame you. Now, I will ask you again, and you...are willing to come with me." ?"

"Following you?" Gu Youyou was stunned, "Where are you going?" The poison was cured, and that terrible thing was over, and they seemed to have nothing to do with each other.

If you want to talk about the intersection, you have known each other once, and you have been friends in the same disease.

"You are so smart, why are you confused at this moment?" Jin Ziyuan suddenly held Gu Youyou's shoulder excitedly.

"What's so good about him? Could it be that you have taken a fancy to his identity? What you want, as long as you ask for it, I can do it for you too."

"You, what are you doing?" Gu Youyou pushed Jin Ziyuan away and took a deep breath.

She looked at Jin Ziyuan like a monster, what is he?Invite her, confess her?

That time before, she was only on guard, because it happened that Jin Zijin took advantage of her at that time, so she couldn't believe anyone, and she was wary of everyone.Regarding Jin Ziyuan's invitation, she only weighed the pros and cons in her heart, the chance of living with him is higher, or the chance of living with Jin Zijin is higher, she never thought about anything else.

But this time...Jin Ziyuan has made it so obvious, if she still doesn't understand, she is really an idiot.

"Come with me, intrigue is not suitable for you, I will give you the life you want." Jin Ziyuan begged weakly, hoping she would agree.

But seeing Gu Youyou's calm eyes, he couldn't lie to himself that she would not go with him.

(End of this chapter)

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