It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 926 The Confession Was Rejected

Chapter 926 The Confession Was Rejected

Sure enough, Gu Youyou looked shocked, and told him calmly: "There is a Mount Everest between me and you, and I don't like living in hiding."

"You are talking nonsense." Jin Ziyuan knew that she would reject him, but he did not expect that she would use such a reason, "You don't like the life of hiding? Then you have been living in hiding all these years? In Lianhua Village, in Lingnan, in Linfu. You can hide for him, why not for me?"

Hearing what he said, she really lived like this these years.But just because she doesn't like this kind of life, she has been working hard, working hard with Jin Zijin to change this state, from darkness to light, living together in a bright and aboveboard manner.

That's just because...

"I like him, not you." Gu Youyou sighed in a low voice.

Jin Ziyuan backed away in a daze, he knew this would be the result, but hearing her say it with his own ears still made him so sad that his heart throbbed.

The most heartbreaking love in the world is that the person I love is the lover of the enemy.

She doesn't like herself, it's not good to like anyone, but that person.

Jin Ziyuan took a deep breath, and suppressed the thoughts that were about to burst out deep in his heart.

He said in a low voice: "Okay, since that's the case, I will say goodbye to you, farewell!"

He came and went quickly, and in a blink of an eye he disappeared into the darkness.

Gu Youyou looked at the dark sky and was speechless for a long time.

In modern times, there are always many men who try to pursue her, but she has never looked directly at those people.

Those men were either interested in her money or her status, but none of them really liked her.

Thanks to Jin Zijin, there is another person in this world who once treated her sincerely.It's just that love is a selfish thing, so selfish that no third person is allowed to share it.

Leaning on Jin Zijin's back, basking in the warm sun, blowing the mountain breeze, and breathing the freshest air, those days were as clear in her mind as yesterday.

Thank God for sending him to her side when she was most desperate, and leading her out of the darkness that does not distinguish between day and night.

In her love, Jin Zijin is the only one.

Because in this elegy of fleeting years, the only thing she can rely on is his broad back.The only thing that can make her warm like spring is his hot embrace.She had long been lost in the vast sea of ​​stars in his eyes without knowing it.


On Circe's side, her straightforward temperament has already sold Gu Youyou.

"Yes, Jin Zijin is her concubine!"


When Mrs. Lin heard such words, she finally spooked her.

Where did this street rogue come from?Can a girl say words like concubine?
"When did it start?" Mrs. Lin continued to ask, suppressing her anger.

Circe said calmly: "How do I know? I've only known Gu Youyou for a few days? Anyway, since I knew her, the Taoist priest came to Qishan once a month. When he was in Qishan, he slept in Gu Youyou's bed every night. In the room. Oh no, the room where Gu Youyou lived originally belonged to Jin Zijin, so he went back to sleep with Gu Youyou."

Mrs. Lin felt that thunder was rolling out in the middle of the day on a sunny day, which made her burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

She is a woman who has read the Four Books for Women since she was a child, and she is also a young lady who is educated and respected in the Duke's mansion. After she got married, she kept her own place. She knew what to do as a woman since she was a child.

(End of this chapter)

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