It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 927 Miss Biao Stealing a Man

Chapter 927 Miss Biao Stealing a Man
But what is Gu Youyou's behavior?It's much more serious than that private affair. She had adultery before marriage, and it's not an exaggeration to let her dip into a pigsty.

She knew that this girl was acting boldly, but she didn't expect to be so bold.

How dare she...

Mrs. Lin didn't speak for a while, her face turned red and then turned pale, turned pale and turned blue.

Hearing these words, Xiang Toon was already trembling with fright.

Jin Zhenren is Miss Biao's concubine?They still... still slept together, why didn't she know?
As her personal servant girl, she doesn't even know these things, and she doesn't know how Madam will deal with her.

She was scared to death.

"Xiang Toon, what are you shaking, don't you plan to explain to Mrs. Ben?"

Xiang Toon was so frightened that he kowtowed hurriedly, "Madam, please spare your life, Madam, please spare this slave..."

"Kneel down and talk well, whether you will be spared or not depends on your performance."

"I said, I can say anything!"

So Xiang Toon also betrayed Gu Youyou.

"Miss Biao is very strange. Since this servant came to Miss Biao's yard, she has slept very peacefully at night. She never wakes up before dawn. Don't be afraid of madam's jokes. Slave... Slave ate too much watermelon one night. Yeah, all night...wetting the bed and not waking up..."

As he said that, Xiang Toon carefully raised his head to look at Mrs. Lin. Mrs. Lin's face was still ashen, looking at her as if she wanted to eat people.

Xiang Toon was about to cry, and continued: "Miss Biao has a special feature. Every night, she will reward her servants with a bowl of delicious soup. The servants suspect...there is something wrong with the soup... Woohoo, I really don't know that Miss Biao is stealing. It's about the man..."

Fortunately, Gu Youyou wasn't here, otherwise she would be so mad.

She was so nice to Toon and Circe, they sold her out like that, Circe said she had a concubine, and Toon said she stole men, good ones, all good ones.

"So, do you have private meetings every day in the mansion?" Mrs. Lin gritted her teeth and said these words.

Xiang Toon cried: "Ma'am, this servant really doesn't know, the servant only knows that after drinking Miss Cousin's soup, she slept very peacefully."

Mrs. Lin fainted from anger, lay down on the chair, and asked He Xiang to pour her a glass of water.

After drinking water, she gradually regained her strength.

No one in her world has ever dared to do such a shameless thing, but someone did it under her nose, how can she bear it?
She felt that she was a failure as a housekeeper.

Gradually calming down, she felt that this matter could not be leaked out.

There are four people in the house, and He Xiang belongs to him.

She stared at Xiang Toon and Circe and said, "No one will leak a word about what happened today, don't blame Mrs. Ben for being cruel."

Xiang Toon hurriedly said: "I don't dare to, I don't dare to say a word."

Circe snorted coldly and said nothing.

"Let's go!" Mrs. Lin pushed them out angrily.

This matter is of great importance, and she feels that it should be considered in the long run.

The queen is usually amiable to everyone, but to be able to take her position, how can she be as charitable as she appears?

If she was really a kind person, how could Xiao Qin'er die outside?
That slap woke her up during the day. The queen is a tyrannical person in her bones. She usually pretends to be kind, but she suppresses it for too long. Once she encounters someone or something that endangers her, her true nature will be exposed.

She told herself to go home and check on Gu Youyou carefully, but she couldn't tell the queen truthfully about what she asked today.

(End of this chapter)

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