Chapter 928 Name
She had to leave a way out for herself and the Lin family.

The empress is unreliable, and now that the eldest prince has appeared, I still don't know what the emperor's attitude is, and what the courtiers' attitude is.

This is a serious eldest son and grandson, no more than King Qin, he has no background, no power, and he is the second son of a concubine.

Since the queen is unreliable, she really has to make many plans for herself and the Lin family, but she can't just explain everything in a daze.

No, this matter is of great importance, she has to discuss it with Lin Xingyi.

"He Xiang, go and see if your lord is back, tell him when you come back, my wife has something important to discuss with him."

So, the old lady's maid and Mrs. Lin's maid stood by the gate and looked forward to it.

And the Lord Lin Xingyi is a man who always abides by the rules and is very self-disciplined. Unless the emperor orders him, no one can keep him from going home in the middle of the night, but no one knows where he went tonight.


Knowing that she had been sold, Gu Youyou was very angry.

"Okay, all of you white-eyed wolves, aunt and grandma, I usually feed you with delicious food and drink, but you betray me when you turn around? I don't expect you to be able to be rich and rich, rich and poor, and mighty and powerful. But at least your brains must be Be more flexible, don't say everything you shouldn't say? Ah, forget about the toon, Circe, aren't you usually very smart? Why can't you handle such trivial things?"

Circe just said lightly: "Can I waste my mind on such trivial things? Boring."

Gu Youyou: "..." I'll cross you in circles!
"What are you worried about? It's not a long-term solution for you to be sneaky. Isn't it good? Why don't you take this opportunity to clarify this matter? Even if it's a concubine, it's still a famous one. You like this What's the point of following him?"

Gu Youyou lay on the table in front of the window for a while, she really wanted to sit down, but her butt was still hurting, so she had been lying here for a whole day.

What she thought was different from Circe's. After all, she was an ancient woman raised in a deep house. She always felt that her status was more important than anything else, so she didn't understand Gu Youyou's approach.

Xiang Toon cried with tears in his eyes, and said: "Miss Cousin, except for your bad background, you are better than others in everything. You must not underestimate yourself and be willing to be that shameful woman. Circe is right. Even if you are a concubine, you still have a reputation. If that man doesn't even give you the status of a concubine, you'd better not associate with him. Madam seems to want to suppress this matter, As long as you don't spread the word, your reputation will still be there, don't worry!"

Gu Youyou didn't know what to say to these two people.

She sighed and looked at the dark sky outside the window, her heart was as dark as that sky.

"I can't tell you, there is a serious generation gap. In short, don't worry about this matter, and I won't be someone's concubine lover. What's going on, I can't explain it to you now, it's getting late , wash up and sleep!"

Circe just grunted, and it was time to go to sleep.

Seeing Gu Youyou's attitude, Xiang Toon was very worried, and continued to persuade: "Miss Biao, this kind of thing is not a joke, it is a major event in life, and it affects the rest of your life. You can't be so willful , you must think carefully about it.”

Gu Youyou walked towards the bed while supporting her waist, which was about to straighten up, and said: "Let's take care of my lower body now, I haven't recovered from the punishment I received in the palace yesterday, Xiang Toon, quickly help me to bed."


(End of this chapter)

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