It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 929 The emperor's explanation

Chapter 929 The emperor's explanation

Today, Xiang Toon got an important news, hurriedly ran into Gu Youyou's pharmacy regardless of her image, and told her about this earth-shattering event.

"Why are you running in such a hurry? There is water on the table, take a breath before you talk."

Xiang Toon panted heavily, poured a glass of water, and drank it all in one gulp.

She said: "I heard that the emperor was furious when he knew that the eldest princess was a fake. Now she has been expelled from the clan and directly kicked out of the capital."

"Really?" Gu Youyou put down the work in hand, turned around, "Since she pretended to be the heir of the emperor, she didn't kill her, but the clan was expelled from the capital?"

"Pretending to be the heir of the emperor should have been executed. But because she was still young at that time, and she didn't remember what happened before she was three years old, everyone said that such a young child was also used by others. It's not her fault. After all, the emperor raised her so much, so there is some affection, the emperor is kind, so he didn't kill her, but drove her out of the capital."

Gu Youyou nodded in a daze, thinking that even if she didn't die, she should be locked up anyway, and deal with it after finding out who was responsible for that incident back then, why did she just let her go like this?

However, the things in the minds of those in the royal family can never be deduced with common sense.

Who knows what the emperor meant when he did this.

"Then where has she gone now?"

Jin Fengzhao is probably like a bereaved dog now, the proud identity is gone, Gu Youyou touched her face, thinking of the humiliation that day, she really wanted to make trouble.

Xiang Toon said: "In addition to her status as the eldest princess, she is also the wife of General Xiao. She was kicked out of the capital, so she naturally went to Jinxiu City to return to the general's mansion."

Back to the general's mansion?Gu Youyou couldn't help but laugh out loud.

If she remembered correctly, no one could cure her of her bragging rights in the general's mansion, and it was also because of her status as the eldest princess.If it wasn't because she was the eldest princess, General Xiao would have hacked her with a machete. I heard that she made General Xiao have no heirs until now.

How could it be that the emperor let her go mercifully? Wouldn't it be more ruthless than killing her to let her go back to Xiao's house like this?

30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, she spent the rest of her life in the back house of Xiao's family, and those concubines who were bullied by her before had to come back?
At this time, a servant girl came in a hurry and said to Gu Youyou: "Miss Biao, the emperor asked the father-in-law in the palace to find Miss Biao."

Gu Youyou was lucky to be in trouble, when she heard that her father-in-law was looking for her, she immediately lowered her face.

Jin Fengzhao was just unlucky, he couldn't have met him so soon, right?
Going to the palace really caused a lot of trouble.

Gu Youyou went out with the maid, Xiang Toon was so worried that she hurriedly followed.

"Miss Biao, play by ear, don't be impulsive."

The person who came was Eunuch Wan whom Gu Youyou knew. His aunt Mrs. Lin invited him to sit in the flower hall and sat respectfully across from him.

Seeing Gu Youyou approaching, his old face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile, he got up quickly, and took out a beautifully made box.

"The old slave is here to run an errand for the emperor, and return Dr. Gu's things to Dr. Gu."

Gu Youyou took the box in surprise, opened it, was surprised, and quickly closed the lid.

"Dare to ask my father-in-law, what does the emperor mean?"

Eunuch Wan was very tactful, and he laughed quickly: "This old slave dare not speculate on the holy will. The things were delivered to Dr. Gu himself. After checking by Dr. Gu, the things were fine, so this old slave returned to the palace and returned to life."

(End of this chapter)

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