It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 930 Jin Zijin climbs the wall again

Chapter 930 Jin Zijin climbs the wall again
Gu Youyou's heart was agitated. Didn't everyone say that this Qingluan jade pendant is a symbol of a later position?The emperor obviously took all these things back, but what does it mean to return them to her now?
Of course, from Gu Youyou's point of view, she should have it. She is a businessman. She didn't steal this thing, nor did she snatch it. She bought it for ten taels of silver. It's hers.

After Eunuch Wan left, Gu Youyou bid farewell to Mrs. Lin.

Mrs. Lin stopped her with a straight face.


"What orders does Auntie have?" Gu Youyou asked in a low voice.

"What's for you?" Mrs. Lin looked at the box in Gu Youyou's hand.

Gu Youyou twitched the corner of her mouth, and said: "You can't say this, the emperor gave it a secret!"

Such an important thing as the Qingluan jade pendant was back in her hands, but she hadn't forgotten that this aunt was part of the queen's party, so she had to be on guard against her.

Madam Lin's face turned blue, and said: "Since you call me aunt, then I am your elder. Is there anything I can't see?"

Gu Youyou pulled the emperor to block the bag, and said: "The things in this box can't be seen, and you can't tell outsiders. Aunt, don't embarrass me. If you don't believe me, ask Eunuch Wan, maybe he hasn't seen it yet. go away."

"Let's go, who cares to see?" Mrs. Lin stomped her feet angrily.

This girl is getting more and more difficult now, she sent someone to invite Lin Xingyi that night, but he didn't know where he went, and he didn't come back until it was almost dawn.

It was the first time that Lin Xingyi did not return home at night after being married to the Lin Mansion for so many years.

And he didn't come to his own yard after he came back, but was taken away by the asparagus beside the old lady, and he didn't see him until almost noon.

She told him what she asked, as well as her own doubts, but he didn't tell him anything useful. He only said that he did the right thing this time. The queen is selfish and really unreliable. , need more attention.

Was she praised by him, or was she careless before being dismissed by him.

Now she is in a dilemma, poor Qianqing should not be involved.

If I knew this... If I knew this, I would have to accept my fate. Ever since Lin Xingyi was valued by the emperor, Qian Qing was doomed for her future path when she was still young.Back then, she saw some signs, so she intentionally let her get in touch with Jin Wei.

Jin Wei is the eldest son of his eldest brother, and the Duke's Mansion is full of talents. Although it is not as good as King Jin, but with his own parents, elder brother and sister-in-law watching him, life is more comfortable than that of King Jin's mansion.

It's just that the plan can't keep up with the changes, how can the emperor let the high-ranking officials be alone?

At night, Jin Zijin came.

In fact, after the jade pendant incident, in order to avoid suspicion, he hadn't climbed over the wall and entered for a long time.

And Gu Youyou was locked up again, so they haven't seen each other for many days, and they haven't had any contact.

She has been worrying about him all the time, not knowing what's going on with him, it's just right if she comes now.

"I heard that there was a lot of noise about your identity in the court hall. Why did you climb the wall of the Lin residence in your leisure?"

Jin Zijin picked her up, and Gu Youyou blushed immediately.

Because one of his hands was holding her butt.

"Let me see if it's all right." His warm breath sprayed against her ears.

Gu Youyou opened his hand, and said: "Of course it's fine, if you want to take advantage, just say it, I'll let you take as much as you want, and you don't need to find a lame reason."

(End of this chapter)

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