It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 931 Do you recognize relatives?

Chapter 931 Do you recognize relatives?

Jin Zijin let out a chuckle, lowered his voice and said, "I told you to be stubborn, and I will punish you one day."

"Yeah, I'll wait!" Gu Youyou was not to be outdone.

After blowing out the lamp and lowering the window, they got into bed together.

The weather in the north is very cold, but because the cold poison on Gu Youyou's body has been cleared, he feels that the world is much better. Even in the cold winter, it is warm like spring everywhere.

After burning the ground dragon, she was covered with a thick quilt, and she sweated a little.

Jin Zijin asked: "Did you receive anything today?"

"What?" Gu Youyou asked strangely.

"Something from the palace."

Gu Youyou was slightly taken aback, and said, "You mean the jade pendant sent by Eunuch Wan? It has something to do with you?"

Jin Zijin said: "He said he would give an explanation, so I guessed that this jade pendant would return to you. My mother has already gone, and perhaps this jade pendant has no meaning in the eyes of some people. Daozong We have encountered great disasters recently, how will the wind turn... Heh, the court is not peaceful, he is always trying to balance the forces of various families, so naturally he will not get into trouble at this time."

Gu Youyou seemed to understand, thought for a while, and said: "I know you don't like the emperor, and even hate him, but I think you can have some prejudice against the emperor. His love for the eldest princess and his favor brought you back. Mother's body, now she loves the ugly Concubine Sheng, mother and son... Also, it seems to make up for the Xiao family, you can't see it? Maybe he just wants to make up for you? , has nothing to do with the Taoist court."

Gu Youyou felt that what the emperor did to Xiao Qin'er back then was a bit scumbag. A man who sacrificed his wife and children for power, he couldn't even protect a family, so why should he protect a country.

But then, he should really be trying to make up for it.

Everyone in the world makes mistakes. Isn't there an old saying that knowing mistakes can make a big difference?Now that this is the case, why not give him a chance to make up for it?

Lin Qianqing had said before that the generals of the Xiao family were directly promoted by the emperor, and if they had no military merits, they would be directly promoted. That would not be a rational choice for the emperor, and it took a lot of pressure to make it.

"Whatever he thinks." Jin Zijin said angrily.

Frozen three feet is not a day's cold, Gu Youyou knew it very well, and did not continue to persuade Jin Zijin, but asked: "Will you recognize your ancestors and return to the clan in the court? What are your plans for this matter?" of?"

Let's talk about the past, they were afraid that they might not be able to deal with Yu Jizi, they would never have imagined that they would come to where they are today.No one thought that Tianjizi had dug a hole for Yujizi long ago, just waiting for this day.Well now, the two old guys are missing, and their lives and deaths are unknown.

As for Xuanzong's current situation, all their hopes were placed on Yu Jizi's return. If Yu Jizi didn't come back, they could only behave with their tails between their legs.Yu Jizi had his own plans, and he never raised Huo Li as an heir at all. Without Yu Jizi, he was no match for Jin Zijin at all, so Xuanzong without Yu Jizi was no longer a problem.

If you take this opportunity to evacuate the Taoist...

Gu Youyou was thinking wildly, but Jin Zijin had already made a sound.

"The person who asked Jin Fengzhao to replace me has not been found out. Back then, an old woman brought Jin Fengzhao and was discovered by Jin Moning's people. The old woman had been dead for many years, and Jin Fengzhao was too young to have any memory, so the clue was lost. But I found out that it has something to do with the royal family, so it is natural to recognize relatives."

(End of this chapter)

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