It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 938 Investigated Lotus Village

Chapter 938 Investigated Lotus Village

And the mansion where the emperor lived before, although that mansion does not necessarily have to be passed on to the prince, and it is not big, but it has special significance.

Generally speaking, it is either rewarded to ministers who have made great contributions, or passed on to the favorite prince.Similarly, King Jin went to ask for it before leaving the palace, but was rejected by the emperor.

King Jin's face was even paler, and he stared at the elder brother who appeared suddenly with some resentment.As soon as he came back, he took what he had always wanted but couldn't get. The eldest prince he had been called for many years had now become him?

What was he doing wrong with the imperial teacher who was at his fingertips, so he went to the court to get a foot in the door?
King Qin's expression was much calmer. It seemed that one more brother and one less brother didn't make any difference to him. Anyway, he was a concubine. It really didn't make any difference to him whether he suppressed one brother who was a descendant or two.

Jin Zijin glanced at the unpredictable face of Hu Guogong, arched his hands and said indifferently: "Thank you, father, for your kindness!"


The people sent by the Queen to Lianhua Village came back, and after hearing the news, she couldn't calm down for a long time.

Someone invited Jin Wang to the palace to discuss.

"Queen, why are you in such a hurry to see your son?"

King Jin felt that his concubine was alive and well in recent days, and he was always in a good mood. Even the bad mood that a big brother suddenly appeared a few days ago and took up all the good things disappeared.

But seeing the somewhat neurotic expression on his mother's queen's face, he collapsed again.

"Mother, is something wrong?"

The queen waved to him and said, "Come here."

King Jin sat down on the stool next to the queen with a suspicious expression on his face.

"Everyone go down." Afterwards, the queen waved her hand again and drove all the people in the hall down.

She was in her bedroom, Kun Ning Palace invited the King of Jin to meet, the earth dragon in the palace was very hot, and the queen was only wearing thin spring clothes, which was just right.

Jin Wang braved the wind and snow to enter the palace, and soon felt hot.

He took off his coat, because there were no maids in the palace, so he got up and hung himself on the dragon gate.

"I don't know why, but the snow is so heavy this year. I thought it was going to be spring, but now it's falling again." King Jin said.

The queen sighed with a sullen face, "There are visions in the sky, so there are many things. My son, this year is an eventful year."

"Queen, what happened?" King Jin felt more and more that something was wrong with the queen.

The queen was playing with a sharp hairpin in her hand, her gaze was intense, "I think this Lin family, at least this Lin Xingyi, may not have the same heart as us."

"How is this possible?" King Jin sneered, and said, "Qianqing is my father-in-law's most beloved daughter, and the only daughter of his family. If he doesn't agree with me, it's hard to agree with Jin Zijin and Jin Tingyu." ?”

After all, the queen is Mr. Jiang's sweetheart. She shook her head lightly and said, "No, Lin Xingyi is only loyal to the emperor, and he will not favor anyone. I thought I had an in-law from the Duke's mansion, and you and Qian Qing. If you are on the shelf, it should be biased towards us, but I didn't expect that I was slightly wrong."

Seeing the queen's serious expression, King Jin also put away his smile, and his expression became solemn.

"Why does the queen mother think so suddenly?"

The queen said: "It wasn't suddenly, but...I had someone go to Lin Xingyi's hometown a few days ago, and checked the Lin family and the Gu family. Lin Xingyi's branch had severed ties with the rest of the family in the older generation. It was Mrs. Lin. Taking Lin Xingyi to Beijing alone, their family is nothing special. But the Gu family... I found some interesting things, boy..."

(End of this chapter)

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