Chapter 939 What was found

She was suddenly pricked by a sharp hairpin in her hand.

King Jin hurriedly stood up, seeing that the queen's fingers were bleeding, he hurriedly called for someone.

The queen stopped him and said, "Don't call me, it's just a little injury."

She wrapped the wound with her own handkerchief.

"The empress's daughter's body, how can you wrap it casually?" King Jin took out a white cloth, carefully cleaned the wound for the empress, and bandaged it well.

After wrapping it up, he frowned slightly when he saw the hairpin that was dripping with blood.

He threw the hairpin that stabbed the queen aside, and sighed softly: "Mother, why don't you be more careful? This hairpin looks ugly at first glance, but it looks like a sharp knife when you look closely. It is too easy to hurt people. Queen Mother, in the future, I will still be careful." Don't use it, if you like this pattern, I will ask a craftsman to make it for you."

Violence appeared in the queen's eyes, and she said lightly: "Yes, it's ugly at first glance, take a closer look...huh!"

"Queen, what's the matter?" Today's queen is very different.

"Then Gu Youyou is just like this hairpin, she doesn't look good. I thought she was just a poor relative of the Lin family. After thinking about it carefully and checking again, she is really extraordinary."

"What did the queen mother find out?" King Jin's brows twitched.

"Hmph!" The queen snorted coldly, and said, "She claims to be sick and weak, but she is actually a... medicine man raised by Xuanzong."

"Medicine man?" King Jin didn't know what a medicine man was.

"I don't need to understand, that's the matter of Daozong. Daozong is not as clean as it appears on the surface. Regardless of world affairs, there are too many unclean things inside them. Gu Youyou was raised by a medicine man since she was a child. I guess that Lin Xingyi probably also knew some inside stories, and sent people to send money every year, but the amount was not much.

Say he cares about this niece, but it seems that he doesn't do enough. If he doesn't care, he wouldn't keep her in the Lin family all the time.In my opinion, it seems to be a cover-up.

What's even more strange is that she was able to escape because of Jin Zijin.Jin Zijin lived in Lianhua Village for six years, disguised as an ordinary hunter, and was safe and sound in the past few years, but brought Gu Youyou out in the last year.

And it is a wedding ceremony.Of course, later they claimed that Jin Zijin was doing it to repay Gu's family and Gu Feng's life-saving grace, and to help Gu Youyou's treatment to cover up people's eyes and ears, saying that they had nothing to do with each other.

But that day in the Zhaoyang Palace, why did he rush to the palace in such a hurry?Because he got the news, he rushed to rescue Gu Youyou.

I don't believe that Lin Xingyi doesn't know anything about these things, so he is not of one mind with us. "

Hearing the queen say so much at once, King Jin couldn't turn his head around for a while.

The queen was so angry that her son was not the most intelligent person, so she had nothing to do.

I had to say: "I have said so much, but I just want to say a few things. First, there are problems with the Lin family and Gu Youyou who lives in the Lin family. Jin Zijin is not as focused on Taoism as he appears. The imperial power is not interested. It can be seen from the fact that he was able to enter the palace immediately and rescue Gu Youyou, he has an eyeliner in the palace."

The queen changed her posture, gently stroked her injured finger, and said in a low voice: "I don't even know that I can put eyeliner under my eyelids. I don't know if he installed it after entering Beijing in recent years, or many years ago." The eyeliner that was planned and placed before, in short, this person is a far greater threat to us than Sheng Qiaoyue's mother and son. You can't just focus on Jin Tingyu in the future, you should pay more attention to Jin Zijin. "

(End of this chapter)

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