It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 944 The Real Concubine Sheng

Chapter 944 The Real Concubine Sheng
If it is said that he knows how hard it is for the emperor, he knows it best.

Seeing the emperor's appearance much older than his real age, Eunuch Wan felt distressed for a while.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, why don't you go back to the bedroom to rest first?"

"Isn't it early?" The emperor raised his head and looked out the window.

It was pitch black outside the window, and it was getting late.

"What time is it?" the emperor asked.

Eunuch Wan looked at the hourglass in the copper pot in the hall, and said, "It's probably Xu time!"

"It's Xu time?" The emperor stood up, and Eunuch Wan immediately bowed to straighten his clothes.

"It's time, it's getting late. Let's go, drive to Chengqian Palace."

Chengqian Palace is the palace of Concubine Sheng, and Eunuch Wan couldn't help sighing, Concubine Sheng is really lucky, she was originally a maid who married with Miss, but after Miss passed away, she became the emperor's favorite.

It was very late, and the emperor was very tired, but he still didn't forget to visit her in Chengqian Palace.

In Chengqian Palace, the level of luxury is even higher than that of the empress's Kunning Palace. She is often envious of the other concubines who died in the harem, and the empress is always angry.

If she lost to Xiao Qin'er, she would admit that she and Xiao Qin'er were just chips used by the emperor, but the emperor's sincerity was given to such a woman who wanted nothing but nothing.

The queen thinks that she is very capable, and has the support of the growing Duke's mansion. All the women who competed with her in the prince's mansion back then were eliminated by her except Sheng Qiaoyue, but this woman was tightly protected by the emperor.

She also asked people to make a special trip to inquire, saying that the emperor liked to run to the Grand Master's Mansion since he was a child, just to see Sheng Qiaoyue, a maid, which made her very angry.

"Your majesty..." Eunuch Wan didn't call out the two characters before he was stopped by the emperor.

"It's so late, there's no need to report, I'll just go in by myself."

The lights in Chengqian Palace were still on, and Concubine Sheng did not rest.

Eunuch Wan stepped aside knowingly.

Soon, all the courtiers of Chengqian Palace retreated, and the door of the bedroom was closed tightly.

The lights quickly dimmed, leaving only a small lamp flickering on and off.

The palace people were all happy for their master, and the only one in the palace who could get such a favor was Concubine Sheng.

And in that palace, after closing the door, it was not as lively and fragrant as the palace people thought.

The emperor was sitting on the soft couch, and Concubine Sheng was kneeling on the ground, her eyes were already filled with tears.

"He approached the servant and asked the servant to do this favor. The servant could not refuse. Your Majesty, after my young lady left the Prince's mansion, the servant did nothing for her. Now that she has helped the eldest prince, it can be regarded as doing something for the young lady. thing."

The emperor sighed and said: "Get up, I know you have not been easy these years, but the woman he likes...doesn't help him at all. A woman with no background, even if he likes it, may not be able to keep it." I just don't want the tragedy of that year to repeat itself!"

Sheng Qiaoyue got up and stood aside, without speaking.

"You can do whatever you want about choosing a concubine for him. As for the matter you promised him... don't worry about it, I will tell him. It's getting late, you go down and rest."

Sheng Qiaoyue wanted to say something else, looked at the emperor's face that seemed to be a little older, but finally bit her lip and didn't say anything.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

She retreated behind the large dragon-phoenix bed, opened a painting on the wall, and gently pressed the mechanism inside.The wall was moved away, and a small room suddenly appeared inside. There was only a simple bed in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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